Back then when I used to work my 9 to 5 regular job, I would usually take a break in the middle of the day to practice some breathing techniques in order to help me cope with the stressful and toxic work environment and more importantly, to remind myself of the fact that I am worthy of great care and appreciation. I think those periods marked the beginning of me administering self-care therapy on myself
I would normally inhale very deeply while imagining that I’m breathing in care and tenderness into my heart and as I exhale, I would imagine my heart overflowing with kindness and acceptance with all of it flowing through every vein in my body.
I would usually utter phrases to myself in order to strengthen those feelings in order to help keep my attention always on my heart. I would say words like;
- I know I am worthy of Care
- I know I am worthy of Respect
- I know I am worthy of Love
As you repeat these words over and over again they become more powerful and gradually they begin to take root in your heart, and before you know it, a sensation of love, care, and peace overwhelms you and takes a hold of your soul.
Other self-care meditation techniques that I got to apply overtime include techniques like; Awareness, Mindfulness, Community, Choice, Acceptance, Patience, Time, Rest, Gentle, Slow down, and Kindness.

If you’d like to know more about my self-care techniques, stick around till the end and I’ll share something very special with you,
So now that we have discussed my own techniques and how it helped me get through in moments of doubt and difficulty, there’s one question I would really like to ask you;
How much are you worth?
Maybe this doesn’t sound right; you’re probably thinking why anyone would want to put a price tag on you. You’d rather want to think that as a human being, you’re supposed to be priceless. As true as that is (you’re indeed priceless), the unfortunate news is that it is not most people’s reality, not too many of us really think this way of ourselves.
Let me try to rephrase the question and maybe this time I’ll make the point clearer;
How much value have you placed on yourself?
Now we’re talking, I’m sure you can relate to better to this question but before you think of any answer, I would like us to have a little discussion first about the word SELF-WORTH and what it means.
Firstly, let us try to define the word “SELF-WORTH”
Self-worth simply means that regardless of who you are what you own, or what you do, you are deserving of “LOVE”, “CARE” “RECOGNITION” AND “RESPECT”.
As simplistic as the definition above may sound, too many of us will not take the time to ponder on those words to ensure that we are not getting anything less than that in our lives. Sometimes life throws some challenges at us that tend to make us underestimate our value in our own eyes. It could be a lost job, a difficult boss, a serious illness, a failed exam or an abusive relationship, whatever the case, situations will always arise that tend to make us feel that we do not measure up and should not be getting all the love and care and respect that is due us. We feel like we don’t deserve the best, we feel less valuable than we are or worst still, other people make us feel less than who we are.
One thing we should always keep in mind is that Self-worth is not a special inheritance reserved only for some people. No one can claim exclusive rights to feel self-worth while making others feel bad. No one can take your self-worth from you. If we remind ourselves of this truth always, we will find that the heartbreaks and disappointments of life will no longer be as painful as most people make it to be.

So how can we constantly remind ourselves of our self-worth?
One of the ways which I usually recommend to my friends is I tell them to try to imagine themselves a tiny little baby once again. Babies never have to earn the right to be loved. Whenever we hold them in our hands and look into their eyes, we can immediately see through them to see their beautiful and pure soul. Immediately they are precious in our sight and we can never imagine any harm coming to them; we instantly fall in love with them unconditionally.
This is exactly how we should see ourselves, we should fall in love with ourselves over and over again reminding ourselves that we were once like that tiny little baby, deserving of all the love and care in the whole world. So when next you lose sight of your self-worth, try to remind yourself of your tiny little version, maybe you can pull out an old photograph of yourself or just picture yourself like you were when you were little.

Let me end this with a popular quote by Burnett Wright which goes “When you get to a place where you understand that love and self-worth is a birthright and not something you have to earn, anything then becomes possible”.
Find out more about my various self-care techniques and how you can implement them for yourselves through my “Love Your Body Program.”
It’s a program that can help you take control of your mind and help you transform your life in just one month. Try the program today and thank me later.