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Why say no to a restrictive diet (It slows down your metabolism)

  • Wellness

Food is primarily still composed of three basic components; fats, carbohydrates, and proteins. These can of course be broken down further into complex carbohydrates, simple carbohydrates, essential fats and oils, fiber, complex and essential amino acids, and many other components.

The Reason Why Your Metabolism is Slow

  • Wellness

A person with a low metabolism would have to put in more into their exercise, work out, or diet in order to shed a few pounds. While on the other hand, a person with a high metabolism may not even need to exercise or diet in order to achieve similar results.

No-bake Lemon Cake

  • Recipes

Truly the best Non-bake lemon cake! I know this is a bold statement but really this Lemon cake is the best!

Is imposter syndrome holding you back?

In one way or another, we all struggle with thoughts of negativity that live in our minds. On one hand, we feel driven to succeed, to go out in the world and prove our worth and our abilities to ourselves and to everyone.

Salmon Tacos

  • Recipes

Salmon is one of my Favorite Fish not only because of the benefits nutrients but it is very versatile food to cook so many recipes and very flavorful you just need to add few spices and herbs and you good to go. Let me know if you a Salmon fan like me.

Rewiring Negativity

Having a positive attitude is very key to succeeding with life and in life, be it in our finances, our relationships, or our health.

Managing Emotions

We all have those days when we wake up feeling moody or “on the wrong side of our bed”, and even though it would have been nice to just stay indoors or by ourselves while we find our “regular mood” again, as adults, we still have to get to our daily jobs, function well at them and meet those other obligations that are expected of us.

Smoothie Bowl

  • Recipes

Super Gut smoothie bowl I had the absolute pleasure to create this smoothie bowl because is rich with lots of nutrients and gut support to start your day with a smoothie after a long period of time your digestive system will thank you in the morning.

Showing up for somebody

Life doesn’t happen in a straight line for anyone. There are up moments and there are down moments. Most of us face life with every inch of energy and positivity we have, doing our best to make sure we do right by ourselves and by everyone else around us.