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Dieting during the season of Gathering

  • Wellness

The season of Gathering is upon us again. It’s that time of the year when we get to gather around family and friends to party, celebrate or just share moments with each other and oftentimes, these activities come with a lot of eating and drinking. 

Matcha Latte Gummy Bears

  • Recipes

Since I was a kid I love little things as a Matcha lover I create everything with it. and I find this Matcha gummy so adorable, sweet, and chewy. They are also gluten-free.

Goal Setting for the New Year

  • Wellness

Goal setting and goal accomplishment for most people is really a big deal. Even as a health coach whose job involves helping others set and achieve their life goals; I still struggle with it sometimes.

Pre-diabetes: Signs, Symptoms, and Prevention

  • Wellness

Understanding what pre-diabetes is and how you can arm yourself with vital information so that you can avoid developing full-blown diabetes is very important. Pre-diabetes is known to have similar symptoms but does not actually have all the criteria to be called diabetes.

Chinese Chicken

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Chinese chicken is a street meal or convenience food you can find all over the streets of NY. The traditional dish is fried chicken with orange juice served over rice with a rich sugary sauce.

Heart Healthy Diet

  • Wellness

A heart healthy diet offers numerous health benefits. When you keep your heart healthy, you reduce the risk of heart disease, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, high blood sugars, and increased body weight.

The Advantages of Coconut Yogurt Compared to Dairy Yogurts

  • Wellness

Yogurt is a slightly fermented food filled with healthy bacteria. With its creamy texture, gut-friendly bugs and high calcium content, a cup of yogurt on a hot summer afternoon or after any one of your favorite meals always hits the spot.

Pumpkin Flan

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Since this month we tend to gather more with family and as a Latina who doesn’t love flan, NOW YOU CAN EAT IT WITH NO GUILT.

Five Essential Superfoods

  • Wellness

Superfood is the term typically used to describe foods that provide the best nourishment to the body to help it function optimally.

Benefits of getting a Health Coach

  • Wellness

Health coaches are gaining more and more popularity these days. More people are finding it increasingly useful to hire a professional partner who will guide them on the path to becoming better versions of themselves.