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Mood Boosting Mucuna Rose Matcha Recipe

Before I start talking about processes or protocols with plants, I would like to talk about the power of habits.

Do you ever wonder why you do what you do? Do you find actions in your life that you repeat over and over again? How long have you been repeating them?

Did you ever question the possibility of changing them?

We have thousands of acquired habits and we don’t even wonder why we do it, it’s just automatic. We also have habits that we do because we like them (because of a particular preference) and others because they make us feel good.

The human being in his primitive brain seeks immediate reward, that is why what we repeat the most is usually what gives us the most immediate pleasure (in many cases that is not the healthiest).

I can assure you that I am a person who likes the pleasures of life: I love delicious food, I enjoy having bread for a year and I have always been a big fan of cheese. I know that these substances in excess are not healthy, so I try not to consume them often; but I believe that if something gives us pleasure we can find a loving balance so as not to cause harm to our body, the planet, and all its inhabitants. I refer to the latter because our consumption also greatly affects the quality of life of other living beings, such as animals.

So … how can I feel an immediate reward or pleasure when I drink a bitter infusion?

Wow! Quite a challenge, right?

I tell you my personal experience:

I do not “love” the bitter taste, but after drinking a bitter infusion I feel that my body feels lighter, and then that is my “immediate pleasure or reward”.

Obviously, this is not always felt as soon as we start taking medicinal plants, but if we give ourselves a moment of presence, we can register these changes faster and faster.

I will be sharing one on today’s self-care one of my fave infusion. One of my passion “Tea” “Infusions”

Preparation Methods

INFUSION: place a teaspoon of dried plant or, twice if it is fresh, for a cup of water. Then add boiled water (if we can calculate the temperature the ideal would be 85 degrees). Cover the cup, wait 10 minutes and then strain.

COOKING: place the plant in a container with cold water and put it on the fire. When it starts to boil, wait 5-10 minutes. Then turn off the heat, cover, and wait another 10 minutes. Finally strain.

For 1 liter of infusion or decoction, 20 grams of the plant are used.

Important: the amounts are general, if you want to know the exact amount of each plant, per liter of water you should consult a herbal medicine manual.

If you are going to drink in cups, I suggest you add two tablespoons of coffee size, per cup of infusion.

Green tea or matcha tea strengthens the immune system (EGCG, epigallocatechin gallate, one of the antioxidant substances that it has, would be responsible for this property) and is mildly stimulating but according to some scientific studies, it can also help fight stress. Stimulates the mind and relaxes the body. Also contains the amino acid L-Theanine that promotes the production of alpha waves in the brain within in turn induces relaxation.

Mood Boosting Mucuna Rose Matcha Recipe

Recipe by Glennys MarquezCourse: Recipes, Self Care


  • 2 tsp Ceremonial Grade Matcha

  • 4 oz hot water

  • 2 oz plant-based milk of your choice my fav is coconut

  • 1 tsp Macuna powder

  • 1 tsp rose powder


  • Infuse Macuna and rose powder in 4oz of medium-hot water and whisk away to activate. DON’T use boiling water as it ruins the rose!
  • In a separate bowl, add 2 tsp of Matcha + add 4 oz of medium-hot water and whisk away until frothy and smooth.
  • Combine both liquids together in your favorite mug and add 2 oz of your choice of milk. garnish with nutmeg and cinnamon powder.

Try this recipe at home, share your photos on the stories, and tag us @gmarquezfitness

Enjoy it!
