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For me, March is all about turning inward, focusing on myself, setting intentions and goals for the coming months ahead, and practicing daily self-care. And one of my self-care is to make new friendly drinks for my hormones. This herbal coffee is so delicious with the touch of caramel nut flavor. I hope you love it as much as I did.

Teecino provides two heart-healthy nutrients, potassium, an electrolyte mineral, and soluble fibre. Potassium helps prevent strokes and high blood pressure, decrease stress level enhance digestion and elimination; · help stabilize blood.

What is Teecino: carob, barley, chicory root, dates, almonds, figs, dandelion and ramón seeds that are roasted & ground to brew like coffee Teeccino tastes like coffee and comes in 18 flavors in two different flavor lines.

Hormonal drink

Recipe by Glennys Marquez


  • 1 bag of teeccino (dandelion caramel nut)

  • ½ teaspoon maca

  • ¼ teaspoon cinnamon

  • Pinch of pink salt

  • ¾ cup oat or vegetable milk

  • ¼ cup hot water


  • Heat hot water.
  • Insert the teeccino bag and let it brew for 3 minutes. Remove the bag.
  • Add the maca, cinnamon, and pink salt and vigorously whisk with circular movements.
  • Put this mixture in your favorite cup and add the warm oat milk.


This is a comforting drink and a wonderful alternative to coffee as this teeccino has notes of coffee and caramel.

Try this at home, share your photos on the stories, and tag us @gmarquezfitness

Happy Drink!