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Digital Workouts: Adapting To Our New Normal

I’ve always been the outdoor gym kind of person, the gym for me is like a second home and even some of my close friends I met at the gym (the morning sessions of course) because we were kind of the regular ones, some people would even refer to us gym rats. So for me, there was no such thing as “Home-workout”.

As I have mentioned previously in some of my fitness blogs, adapting to working out from my home was very difficult for me as it was more of a change in mindset and not just a lifestyle change. I was very comfortable in my previous routine and would never have considered a home gym or a home workout lifestyle if not for the pandemic, however, even that has come with its own learning and experience.

These days I pay more attention to my body and what it needs and this has mainly been due to the lockdown. Some days I can decide to be hard on myself with heavyweight, bodyweight, Pilates class, HIIT cardio, etc, some other days I make it easier and just perform light workout routines, depending on what my body is saying and I can say my body and mind are happier with this new approach I’ve taken to my fitness. 

I have not said that I am no longer interested in visiting the local gym, I’m only saying that the pandemic has taught me to listen more to my body which has necessitated a change in my workout lifestyle for the better. There are days where I love to go really hard to see myself sweat profusely and I feel very motivated to keep going while there are times when I don’t feel that way. I guess I can also say that the pandemic has helped me quickly fulfill one of my future goals of setting up a home gym.  

Since I started working out from home, there are quite a few things I have missed about the outdoor gym and I have decided to list them below: 

  1. Having others push me beyond my limits 
  2. Sharing ideas with others 
  3. Learning more about different work out equipment
  4. Expert knowledge and advice 
  5. The workout classes and the community
  6. The collective motivation and commitment 
  7. The intense sessions and a sharper, more focused mind 

In addition to the things I have missed about the local gym, I would also like to share with you some of the benefits I have gained from my new workout lifestyle. 

  1. The Upsides of Digital Fitness Offerings
    There are several reasons why people will prefer home workouts versus a local gym, reasons like lower costs, the increased convenience, and the flexibility of home workout offerings like having app-based routines or on-demand workout sessions combined with the connectivity of smart wearable devices that can monitor health data such as your heart and lung performance as well as track your physical activities. Although this has been happening for a long time, it wasn’t my workout style until recently, thanks to the pandemic and I can say that it has been a more holistic fitness experience for me.
    Some of these digital offerings include apps like SWEAT, Peloton App, Beachbody On Demand, Glo, etc. that provide comprehensive guidance on fitness and training as well as online fitness training websites like glennysmarquez.com that expose you to expert advice and suggestions from certified fitness professionals and personal coaches.

  2. The benefit of variety.
    Most people workout simply to lead a healthy lifestyle and not necessarily in preparation for a competition or to become professionals in a particular fitness area. Hence the rigidity and discipline that most professionals would require for their training would not be necessary for people who see it just as a healthy way of living.  
    The variety they say is the spice of life, if one is to make exercise a lifestyle then you’d expect that they would want the opportunity and excitement of having a number of options to go with especially considering the routine and boring nature of regular work life.
    Home workout for me meant I had to look online for help and it so happens that there are a ton of online workout resources waiting for me to hop in. This flexibility for me provides more excitement as I get to switch routines and coaches as often as I choose and very conveniently too.  

  3. Take advantage of Social media.
    In our day and time, social media has become a necessity and this has been further amplified by recent happenings which no longer makes it a choice for most people.
    For me, social media helped me to still connect with some of my favorite coaches, work out buddies, friends, and colleagues without necessarily having to be with them physically. I could still keep up with what’s going on in their fitness lives, see new feats they’re accomplishing, learn new things, trends and just stay connected to them even though we were several miles apart. 
    So it’s like I was able to get the low cost, convenience, flexibility, and variety of a home workout lifestyle and still enjoy the warmth and support of friends and colleagues I’ve shared this journey with most of my life. That for me is a win-win-win.
    So in summary, while there are a few things I miss about working out at the gym, there is still a lot that I have come to learn and enjoy from working out from home.

Some things are constant though; no matter where you choose to workout from.

  1. Finding the motivation to keep on is extremely difficult, so you’re going to need to discipline your mind if you are going to remain consistent with your workout lifestyle.
  2. Secondly, exercise does not only change your body, it also changes your mind, your mood, and your attitude. 

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