This is probably not the fanciest topic to write on and I agree but I’m sure you’d also agree with me that poop health is an equally important metric to measure anyone’s overall health and well-being.
To put it differently, what comes out tells you so much about what has gone in and how well those choices are serving you. It also helps you to make changes if necessary so you can get to feel your best every day. So unless you’re currently sitting in front of a sumptuous meal that you’ve been salivating to moments before now, then you should be paying attention to the things I’m about to say in this article since it will do you a lot of good.
So, what does your poop tell you? What way is there to tell about your health and well-being simply by looking at the shape, color and type of poop you pass out frequently?

The Bristol Stool Chart is a good visual to explain what is happening with each of the stool types. The chart is designed to help doctors measure how long it takes for food to pass through your body and become waste. The shape and form of your poop can also be used by your doctor when diagnosing any digestive problems you may have.
While everyone may experience changes in stool consistency throughout the week, overall the Bristol chart helps to give you a good idea of your bowel health. The chart consists of seven poop types as shown here with all seven types broadly categorized into three bowel health types; namely
- If you’re type 1 or 2, then it probably means that you’re constipated
- If you’re types 5, 6, or 7, then your bowel health is tending towards diarrhea
- Lastly, types 3 or 4 are generally considered to be the ideal poop types. Passing through the system with ease without being too watery.

Type 1 or 2: Constipation
Constipation can be described as one having bowel movement less than once in a day and with a consistency that is difficult to track. Although what may be considered as “normal” may be different for different people, having bowel movements every other day or once every few days should not be considered normal.
The main causes of constipation are lack of exercise and diet. Foods that are rich in animal proteins, and refined grains and foods that are low in fiber (like fruits, vegetables, whole grains etc.) may be at the root of any constipation problems.
Types 5, 6 or 7: Diarrhea
There are many potential causes of diarrhea including food allergy or sensitivity, infection, medication side effects, or after surgery. Some of these may cause loose stools in the short term and hopefully will resolve quickly, but when this becomes consistent for longer than expected periods, then you should probably be paying attention to other causative factors like bacterial infections, viral infections or gut inflammation in order to halt its continued occurrence.
Without resolution to these symptoms, the damaging process will continue and may even extend to other areas of the body as well.

Types 3 or 4: “Normal”
Again “normal” could be different for different people but the idea is that “normal” should at least look like what you have in the Bristol Stool Chart for Type 3 or Type 4. Under normal circumstances, a bowel movement should occur as often as from one to three times daily. Now, “daily” may vary based on your exercise or eating habits, but it should be a source of concern to you when you begin to see any of the other types of poops occurring on a regular basis.
Other things to note
While the Bristol Stool Chart is a good place to start, you should however still note that there are other characteristics of your poop that could tell you a thing or two about your health. For instance, if your poop floats or has a very strong smell then this may be a sign that fat is not being absorbed properly. This could be caused by low stomach acid or gallbladder problems. If you see undigested food particles in stool this may also be caused by a lack of stomach acid or could simply mean you’re eating too quickly and not properly chewing your food before swallowing.
Different colors in your stool can also be an area of concern. Black stool could be as a result of your dietary choices like eating too much blueberries or beets, but this could also be caused by bleeding in the GI tract. Green stool may be due to poor absorption or a problem with the gallbladder as bile produced by the gallbladder starts out green and turns brown as it moves through the GI tract. Mucus in stool may be caused by an infection.
So, the next time you’re sitting on your throne, doing the usual stuff, why not take a little peek at your poop to see if it passes the poop test. Paying attention could possibly save your life, apart from telling you how well you’re eating or the state of your health generally, paying attention also helps you notice any changes quickly so you can respond faster and keep your gut in good health for longer periods.
In Summary
We now know that our poop has a lot to tell us about our state of health in general and the Bristol Stool Chart is one tool that can be used to gauge one’s health depending on the shape, color, or how watery the poop is. Paying attention to your poop health regularly could help to detect early signs of ill health and could end up being the difference maker in what should have being a life threatening ailment or disease.
They say you are what you don’t poop
Pay attention to your gut health and have yourself feeling great about yourself all the time!
With Love and gratitude as always, Xo!
For more valuable tips and resources on how to improve your bowel system and digestive health, get a copy of my eBook. “How to Start from Zero” and discover more steps you can take to eliminate poor food choices and improve your general health.
“How to Start from Zero”. will show you to be in the best physical and emotional shape of your life, teach you valuable tips and lessons you can share with other people, and help them improve their lives also. You will also be exposed to several other ways to achieve healthy living that suits your lifestyle and taste.
There are secrets and ideas shared in this eBook that are very practical, relatable, and realistic. This eBook will show you how to easily adopt healthy lifestyle habits and get rid of the bad ones quickly.
You can click the link below to get a copy of the e-book for yourself
Disclaimer: Please note that I am not your doctor while I am a health coach by profession. This article is for informational and educational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice nor does it establish any kind of medical relationship between you and me. I will not be held liable for any damage resulting from or related to your use of this information.