Having the right morning routine can make all the difference in your day, every day especially now that the cold, dark winter mornings are fast approaching. The trick is to be prepared and to be intentional about each morning. Having it at the back of your mind that morning hours are usually very delicate and should be handled with care is the first major step towards helping you prepare better for your mornings and eventually; your day.

Personally, every night before I go to bed, I think about my day and how it all went and then I ask myself; is there was anything I did this morning to kick start my day that I’m not willing to repeat the next day? And for a very long time now, the answer has been NO. Not that I haven’t improved on it over time but I have been mostly pleased with my mornings and how they’ve always helped me ease into each day and through it.
Today, I would like to share with you my top 5 morning routines that has helped me shape how my day would typically go.
a) Start your day every day with Exercise
Research has shown that people who always start their day with exercise usually have more energy with which to prosecute the activities of the day and they also tend keep a more positive outlook throughout the day. These exercise routines do not have to be complex or sophisticated, just enough to get the blood flowing. It might be a run, a hike, a trip to the gym, yoga, stretching or finding your own very short workout. Remember, what works for someone else may not work for you so it’s best you find yours.
Moving your body for as little as 10 minutes every morning releases a neurotransmitter called GABA (Gamma aminobutyric acid) which soothes your brain and helps control your impulses. Engaging in exercise first thing in the morning ensures the release of this neurotransmitter; helps improve your self-control and energy levels all day long.
b) Avoid early morning screen time
Whenever you wake up in the morning and you’re tempted to dive straight into emails, texts and social media, you tend lose focus by yielding your mornings to the wants and needs of other people. It’s always advisable to take these first few moments of the day to do something that relaxes you and helps you glide into a calm, positive side of yourself. Jumping right into gadgets and electronics has the exact opposite effect—it’s like starting your day with a little bit of anxiety. Exercising, meditating or just sitting still for some minutes is usually a great way to start your day.
c) Clean your workspace first before starting your workday
For most people, it could be a pain to clean up and organize before diving into the work schedule for the day; however you doing this every morning can make all the difference in your ability to maintain focus and concentration through your work.
A research carried out in Princeton University found that those who worked in clean workspaces happened to outperform their peers who worked in cluttered spaces because the clutter tends to pull your attention away from your work. In summary, these distractions tend to make you less productive throughout the day.
d) Set Goals for the day
Having concrete goals laid out for you has a direct correlation with boosting self-confidence and giving you a sense of control over your day. Setting goals specific to the day puts everything into motion. It is always best to set a few goals that are narrow and achievable that can also be easily broken down into smaller steps.
Make sure these goals are not vague; for example, setting a goal like “I want to finish writing my article today” may be counterproductive because it fails to include how you’ll get it done. So to rephrase the goal set above, putting it in a more functional way would read something like this: “I am going to finish my article by writing each of the three sections, spending no more than an hour on each section.” Now you have not just stated what you intend to achieve but you’ve also stated how you intend to achieve it.
e) Allocate times to your goals and track your progress with them
What’s the point of setting goals if you can’t follow through with them and track its progress? Always take a critical look at what you’ve done so far and make sure you’re on schedule and getting the job done properly.
If you notice you’re getting off your mark, you take a step back to retract and possibly adjust your goals to be more realistic or adjust your work ethic in order to reach your set targets.
Be You,
Know You, &
Love you.