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The Reason Why Your Metabolism is Slow

  • Wellness

The metabolism system of the body is the mechanical machine in us that helps to keep our weight under control. A person with a low metabolism would have to put in more into their exercise, work out, or diet in order to shed a few pounds. While on the other hand, a person with a high metabolism may not even need to exercise or diet in order to achieve similar results. Sometimes, it even appears as though people with very high metabolism can eat whatever they want, even foods with high fat content and still not gain any weight.

To get a better understanding, let us first try to explain what a person’s metabolism rate means. The metabolism rate is the rate at which you take in calories and how many calories you burn while performing different activities like exercising, walking, studying etc. Different people have different metabolism rates. Some people have fast metabolism rates, while some others have a slow metabolism.

There are several factors that may influence a person’s metabolism rate and some of which you may not have any control over. Some of these include:

  1. Age – metabolism decreases as you grow older. Our metabolism rate even diminishes faster once we’re over 40 years old
  2. Sex – males have a higher metabolism rate, as they have more muscle mass than females.
  3. Heredity – you may have got your metabolism rate as an inheritance from your previous generations.

Other factors which may not entirely be due to any fault of ours but could still be remedied include:

  1. Thyroid disorder: Underactive thyroid due to deficiencies in our nutrition and fluoride content in water you use may be responsible for a slower body metabolic rate
  2. Lack of enzymes: When the foods we eat lack natural essential enzymes, it affects our metabolism rate. Even naturally grown fruits lose these essential enzymes when they are artificially ripened.
  3. Hormonal Imbalances: Hormones in the body work together to moderate the body’s metabolic rate. Hormonal imbalances caused by stress, chemical additives in food can lead to a slower metabolic rate.
  4. Genetics: Everyone is by nature born with dissimilar body metabolic rates. This is a natural physical condition but can be corrected by applying some simple techniques.
  5. Lean Body Mass: Besides the reason of our sex, people with lean body mass or lean muscles generally tend to have slower metabolism. Muscles are like the powerhouse of the body and contain active issues that facilitate body metabolism. Eating certain foods and engaging in exercises to improve your muscles can help improve your metabolism rate.
  6. Lack of water: Lack of water in body cells leads to a slow metabolic rate.

Other reasons for low metabolism rate include; fasting, eating or drinking too many sugary foods and beverages, having very little or no physical activity, lack of sleep, lack of exposure to sunlight and having a poor low calorie diet.

The good news however is that while some of these reasons may completely be out of one’s control, there are several steps one can take in order to improve their body metabolism.

These steps include:

  1. Don’t skip meals

If you want to boost your metabolism, do not skip any meals, especially breakfast. A good breakfast ensures that you get an effective metabolic jump start for the rest of the day. Also, try to eat smaller portions but more frequently. Starving oneself for long periods will only help to slow down your body metabolism.

  1. Exercise often (at least 30 minutes a day)

The amount of physical activity performed by the body each day can be increased in several ways. For example, taking stairs instead of elevator, using public transportation so you at least get to walk some of the distance instead of driving or using a cab, and taking breaks in between work to walk around and stretch your muscles. The point is physical activities like these help to improve the body’s metabolism.

  1. Intentionally build muscles.

This involves weight lifting and other types of weight training exercises. The more muscle you build, the faster your metabolism will be, and the more calories you will burn while at rest. Decrease in muscle mass results in decreased metabolic rate.

  1. Avoid certain foods

For improved metabolism, avoid the consumption of alcohol, intake of sweet or sugary foods and beverages. These tend to lower the body’s metabolism.

  1. Eat certain kinds of foods

While trying to avoid some, also endeavor to eat foods with high nutrition values as they help to improve body metabolism. Lean protein from solid foods like chicken breast, turkey breast, venison, elk, bison, buffalo, shellfish, egg whites, lean sirloin, top round, and almost any type of fish is good for boosting metabolism. Natural starchy carbohydrates and grains, such as sweet potatoes, brown rice, and oats, also help boost metabolism

  1. Drink plenty of water

Lastly, drink lots of water. At least 8-10 glasses of water daily helps to keep your metabolism working at its optimal rate.

Once you’re able to regulate your metabolic rate and bring it back to normal, you will experience a dramatic increase in energy, reduced state of unhappiness and moodiness as well as improved motivation for life. Overall, you’ll feel better about yourself.

To run through the list once again, if you’re looking to improve your body metabolism make sure to:

  1. Not skip meals
  2. Exercise often
  3. Build muscles.
  4. Avoid alcohol or sugary foods
  5. Eat lean proteins and starchy carbohydrates; and
  6. Drink plenty of water

Do all or most of these and I’m sure your body will thank you for it

Why not live the best life that you can; IT’S ALL YOURS FOR THE TAKING

 With Love and gratitude as always, Xo! 

For more useful tips and resources on how you can boost your body’s metabolism and state of physical health, get a copy of my eBook. “How to Start from Zero” and discover more steps you can take to do more of those things that help your metabolism, while avoiding those that don’t.  

“How to Start from Zero”. will show you to be in the best physical and emotional shape of your life,  teach you valuable tips and lessons you can share with other people, and help them improve their lives also. You will also be exposed to several other ways to achieve healthy living that suits your lifestyle and taste.

There are secrets and ideas shared in this eBook that are very practical, relatable, and realistic. This eBook will show you how to easily adopt healthy lifestyle habits and get rid of the bad ones quickly. 

Disclaimer: Please note that I am not your doctor while I am a health coach by profession. This article is for informational and educational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice nor does it establish any kind of medical relationship between you and me. I will not be held liable for any damage resulting from or related to your use of this information.