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The Advantages of Coconut Yogurt Compared to Dairy Yogurts

  • Wellness

Yogurt is a slightly fermented food filled with healthy bacteria. With its creamy texture, gut-friendly bugs and high calcium content, a cup of yogurt on a hot summer afternoon or after any one of your favorite meals always hits the spot. Traditionally, yogurt is made from animal milk. However, you can also find plant-based yogurts made from cashew, almond, coconut, soy, oat, and other non-dairy milk which are gradually taking out traditional cow’s milk yogurts out of shopping carts and off our refrigerators. With more people now choosing to go dairy free, maybe because of allergies, intolerance or just for ethical reasons, the market for alternatives, such as coconut yogurt, is fast becoming even more attractive.

Why go dairy free?

People can often choose to avoid dairy because they’re lactose intolerant, are allergic to cow’s milk protein (this generally affects infants and young children), or to alleviate distressing gut symptoms. Alternatively, they could be following a paleo diet, or pursuing a plant-based or vegan way of eating. Dairy-free yogurt is starting to grab the spotlight from its traditional cousin yogurt and even more particularly, Coconut yogurt is fast becoming increasingly popular especially with people on plant-based diets. They are usually made from fermented coconut milk and like all other fermented foods, coconut yogurt is known to be very good for the gut. 

So let’s delve a little deeper into what coconut yogurt is and why it is a healthier choice of yogurt

What is Coconut yogurt

Coconut yogurt is essentially a plant-based yogurt that’s made without animal milk, making it ideal for vegans or people who are lactose intolerant or those restricted to paleo diets. They are naturally creamy, naturally sweet, lactose and casein free yogurt, made mostly from coconut milk, and contain very little protein.

While there may be some coconut yogurts that make use of animal products, like gelatin or cow’s milk, implying that it could be a mix of both coconut milk and milk from animal source, it is however very important to distinguish between coconut-flavored yogurt and coconut yogurt.

The coconut-flavored ones are not made from coconut milk; rather they are made from cow’s milk or from soy products but sweetened with coconut flavoring. Coconut yogurt is made using the milk squeezed from the flesh of coconuts, which is then fermented by adding live cultures to it. Coconut yogurt contains minimal protein or calcium and has significantly more fat than dairy-based yogurt. They offer a completely different nutritional value to regular yogurt and should be considered more of a “dessert” than an everyday food.

Coconut Yogurt Vs Dairy yogurt

Most of the nutritional benefits associated with coconut yogurt are due to the fermentation process used in producing them. Because it’s a food rich in probiotics, coconut yogurt helps to improve the health of our gastrointestinal microbiome. This microbiome influences different aspects of our health including our personality and other digestive system related issues, like irritable bowel syndrome.

Other benefits associated with coconut yogurt are typical of what you would find with every other type of probiotic food. Coconut yogurt helps to increase the number of good bacteria in our intestine, they help to regulate the process of digestion and absorption and help to balance your digestive system. They also tend to reduce inflammation, treat various types of gastrointestinal diseases, boost the immune system, and lower the risk of diseases like colon cancer.  

On the other hand, dairy yogurts are typically made from cow’s milk. Often, they are sweetened and full of additives and these added sugar and extra processing can make them unhealthy yogurt products. Dairy yogurts can be a low-calorie, high-nutrient food packed with protein; however, because many manufacturers add sugar, artificial sweeteners, and other ingredients, this makes these types of yogurts unhealthy.

In summary, five reasons why you should prefer to eat coconut yogurt to dairy yogurt include.

  1. Coconut yogurts improve the number of good bacteria in the intestine.
  2. They ease lactose intolerance.
  3. They treat diarrhea, irritable bowel syndrome, reduce inflammation and normalize the frequency of bowel movements.
  4. They lower the risk of colon cancer.
  5. They improve immune function and lower the risk of recurring infections.

If you’re looking to balance your digestive system and improve your overall health, probiotic foods like coconut yogurt are a sure bet. They are a better, and healthier choice of yogurts than the ones made from cow milk or other dairy products.

Choices like, Mushroom Sauce with Coconut Yoghurt, Coconut Yogurt Peach Popsicle, or one of my favorites, Salmon Tacos.

You are what you eat; EAT HEALTHY!

With Love and gratitude as always, Xo!

Enjoy excitingly delicious, unsweetened, dairy-free Coconut Yogurt. Crafted with high-quality organic coconut milk. This coconut milk yogurt is rich, with a tangy flavor and super creamy texture.

Deliciously made dairy-free yogurt alternative that is gluten-free, low-carb, no added sugar and contains gut-friendly probiotics. You can also enjoy with any of your favorite toppings like granola and diced fruits.

Order yours right now!