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workout routine

Challenges of Working Out From Home

In today’s write-up, I would like to share some of the challenges I faced working out from home and how I was able to overcome them to create for myself a new home fitness journey.

Working Out on Vacation

One of the biggest temptations we face while on vacation is to not bother anymore with our usual exercise or diet routines. After all, it’s a vacation and you shouldn’t have to worry about any of that while you’re having fun. But is that the best approach to take?

Digital Workouts: Adapting To Our New Normal

I’ve always been the outdoor gym kind of person, the gym for me is like a second home and even some of my close friends I met at the gym (the morning sessions of course) because we were kind of the regular ones, some people would even refer to us gym rats. So for me, there was no such thing as “Home-workout”.

Streaming Workouts

There are lots of people who do not have any desire of going to the gym and work out in the middle of strangers with prying eyes all over the place. If you’re someone like that, then working out from home is probably the best strategy to adopt in order to get your exercise on and kicking.

Home Workout Routines

So you’d like to build a workout lifestyle but you’d rather do some kind of home workout routines than go to the gym where you could become intimidated by the muscle heads, fitness freaks, and creepy people hanging all over the place.