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Digital Workouts: Adapting To Our New Normal

I’ve always been the outdoor gym kind of person, the gym for me is like a second home and even some of my close friends I met at the gym (the morning sessions of course) because we were kind of the regular ones, some people would even refer to us gym rats. So for me, there was no such thing as “Home-workout”.

Home Workout Routines

So you’d like to build a workout lifestyle but you’d rather do some kind of home workout routines than go to the gym where you could become intimidated by the muscle heads, fitness freaks, and creepy people hanging all over the place.

Find a Gym and Workout For You

This month (in October) I choose to write about asking you to find a gym and workout that you like even though this would have been some persons New Year resolution (in January).

How To Re-Build Muscle FAST After A Training Break

These are my 4 Steps to get my gains back as quickly as possible. I know people want to back and hit the gym harder then what they left off, I think it is understandable and I don’t think it is anything wrong thinking that way “BUT” unfortunately is not how muscles works and this is how everyone it will approach.