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How to Effectively Spring Clean Your Home

It’s really sad how we sometimes fail to realize that cleaning out our homes and keeping it properly aired and smelling fresh is very necessary to help us keep a healthy mindset and maintain a strong positive energy. The same too can be said about cleaning up our energies.

Once again spring season is around the corner and this is my favorite season of the year. The reason for this is because before I became a Health and Wellness Coach, I used to own Non-toxic Cleaning business and I recall how I used to transmit so much positive vibes and energy to my clients whenever they got back from work to freshly cleaned, beautiful and essential oil-smelling home.

Sometimes I wonder how I landed in the non-toxic home cleaning business after all those years I spent on Wall Street.  It took a while for me to realize that I was actually bringing cleanliness therapy to most of my clients which is also a major part of our overall health and well-being. Believe it or not, de-cluttering our space has a lot to do with our state of health and in this blog I’m going to share with you some of the experience I gathered while working as a cleanliness therapist back in the day.

Spring season is a great time to clean out and clear up spaces we often visit and spend most of our time in the day like our homes, offices, cars etc. However, what do we say about tidying up our energies too; are we aware that those too can become stagnant and cluttered?

Below are a few suggestions I have to share with you to help you refresh your body energy which is that part of you that you may not necessarily be able to see but you and others around you can feel it. Well, guess you’re just in time for this year’s spring season so as to help your flowers bloom like never before.

Experts have also said that doing a thorough spring-cleaning of your home has the following health benefits.

  1. For starters, a clean home helps strengthen your immune system and keeps illnesses away from you.
  2. A de-cluttered space also helps to reduce stress, depression and also help avoid injuries.
  3. Less stuff around tends to bring in more clarity and appreciation to the people staying there. When you have less stuff, you have a clearer mind because you’re not having to think about your many stuff.

So here are a few tips to clean up your space and your energy.

  1. Keep eating healthy and maintain a routine of healthy physical activities
  2. Spend time with Nature
  3. Learn to forgive yourself and let go of things from the past that remind you of hurt or drain your energy.
  4. Learn to spring clean your thoughts.
  5. Tidy up your physical space frequently and make sure it’s always looking clean, beautiful, and inviting.
  6. Clean up your phones as well

How to clean for a safe home:

  • Prioritize cleaning the clutter you’ll usually find in pathways, hallways, and staircases.
  • Secure your rugs and make sure to fix any other tripping hazards, like loose floorboards, cords etc.
  • Cords are a major tripping hazard in many homes. Make sure to tack your cords to baseboards, or reroute them along your walls to so as to take out the risk of tripping on one.

There’s a new Netflix series, “Tidying up” that seems to be the rage right now. The series tries to teach people how to de-clutter their lives and I personally don’t think this is just popular entertainment, it’s really helpful advice that can lead to a happier, healthier you.

Tips to help you begin de-cluttering:

De-cluttering can sometimes be overwhelming, however in order to make the process easier, putting a date to it on your calendar is always a good place to start. Once you can get through the obstacle of getting started with it; then you’ll be half way through completing the task already.  Choose the most cluttered part of your house and start with it.


  1. “Spring is a natural time of birth and a time for new beginnings. Imagine birthing a new side to yourself this spring.”
  2. “Spring: A Lovely Reminder of how truly beautiful change can be”
  3. “Get rid of the clutter in your space and you may just discover that it’s always been blocking that door you’ve been looking for”

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