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Snacking: What’ Good & Not Good About It

Everybody is guilty of this one, including me. We’ve all at one time or another enjoyed a good snack not caring whether or not it was healthy eating. You’ve probably had one today. Not that it’s bad or anything but I thought maybe I should throw some more light on it so that we are better informed on; what snacking is, why we snack, and how best to go about it if we must snack.

Simply put snacking can be referred to as eating or drinking that is done outside of regular meals.

Although there seems to be a big divide between those who think snacking is a good thing and those who think snacking it’s not so good for our health, an article posted on the ASN website (American Society for Nutrition) refers to a 2015 Scientific Report of the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee which recommends that snacks intake should be decreased because snacks are a high contributor to energy, sugar, and saturated fat intake. The report also expressed concerns over how snacks tend to be less nutrient-dense than actual meals.

Talking about reasons why we snack there are several reasons we can point to that make people want to quickly grab a bite or chew their mouth or gulp some liquid in between meals but research has shown that amongst all the reasons, the most well-known one is HUNGER. Other reasons include; location, social/food culture, and environment and cognitive factors

Actually people do not really wait to have any reason before they decide to snack. The aroma of nicely prepared delicacy around the corner is enough to whet people’s appetite to make them want to snack even if they are not hungry. However, before we decide to grab that snack I think it is important that we arm ourselves with some information on some of the effects these snack foods can have on our health.

Snacking and Our Health

Whether or not snacking is initiated because of hunger, irregular eating patterns, or other psychological or physiological reasons, choosing the right snack and the right portion are very important if we are to derive any benefits from our snacking habits. A study from the National Cancer Institute showed snacking with fruits and vegetables increases an individual’s fiber intake and also helps her lose weight compared to someone else who chooses a different snack. The study also showed that snacking was better taken in the afternoon than during the mid-morning. Prioritizing fresh produce as snacks boosts your daily fruit and vegetable intake, and also helps with weight loss. Foods like Apples, bananas hummus, walnuts, carrots, bean dip, salad, etc., are typical examples.

On the other hand, snacks from glow-in-the-dark vending machines, and roadside corner shop are almost certain to cause you more harm than good and has most likely been engineered to put your appetite on overdrive. You will end up getting a spike in blood sugar level, making you feel hungry much later because this is the type of food that causes your hormone levels to fluctuate, increasing your overall eating and eventually your weight. We both know that this is not what your body needs. In case you’re still wondering what snacks I’m referring to I’m talking about the usual sweet stuff like the candies, the chocolates, the ice cream, and the likes.

So in the end, it should always be about following a healthy diet and also knowing what works for your body and your routine.

We all have our recommended daily calorie intake to help us function optimally; therefore once we are able to eat and meet up with these calories, there wouldn’t be any need for us to snack on unhealthy foods. Indulging too much in snacking makes the blood sugar level to rise and this affects the digestive system’s ability to do its work.

In Conclusion

There are times when snacking is necessary like when it is done to prevent hunger especially for those who tend to overeat if they go hungry for a long time. However, if it can be avoided then it should be avoided even if it means having to eat more than 3 meals a day.

Also, if you must snack, then make sure to choose healthy snack foods that keep you full and satisfied. Keeping track of your macros and micro macros daily intake helps you to be aware of what you’re eating and also helps you ensure you’re taking in the right amount of macros and micro macros every day so you wouldn’t need to snack.