Life doesn’t happen in a straight line for anyone. There are up moments and there are down moments. Most of us face life with every inch of energy and positivity we have, doing our best to make sure we do right by ourselves and by everyone else around us. Checking all the right boxes, striving to be better, and constantly looking towards a better next time.
But despite all of that; LIFE STILL HAPPENS. Tragedy strikes, we get let down, disappointed, rejected, heartbroken and sometimes we even get stuck; failing to get back up and move on from some of the heart-wrenching episodes that life sometimes throws at us. It is at these times when we are at our lowest that we look towards others, friends or strangers, to see us through those dark moments and help get us back to the times when our hearts were lighter and our minds a lot clearer.
There are those who are blessed with people around them, who truly care and always want to help out as best as they could. People who are ready to go out of their way to try to see things from where you are and help you get through whatever you’re going through. However, there are those who aren’t and if you’ve ever been a place where you’ve ever desired the support or company of a friend or a stranger and didn’t get it (Or maybe did), then you probably should give some thought to someone else who right now might need that friendship or company, so you can be that person who showed up for a friend in their time of need.
Wondering how you can be that person? Here is how.

- Start with a Check-up Call
Keeping in touch with your friends, and showing them you’re available just in case they need to talk is a good start to becoming that person who shows up for others in their time of need. Give them a call to check in and see how they’re doing. Request their company if you want to, maybe for a drink, or coffee together or simply a walk. At this point you’re not trying to solve anyone’s problems; you’re just being a friend, letting them know that your presence can be relied upon.

- Be Kind
Kindness never went out of fashion. It’s unfortunate that these days some people regard nonchalance as being cool. Some even opine that kindness is overrated and not imperative for every situation. Well, I beg to differ, kindness works for me all the time. It can be expressed in different ways, sometimes even sternly but once you show the other person that you genuinely care about their feelings, it becomes easier to be there for them whenever they need you.

- Be sensitive
Understand that you’re not anyone’s shrink and you actually don’t have to be the one to solve their problems. In fact, sometimes it’s even best to accept that you cannot truly solve other people’s problems. This can help you strike the balance you need while trying to reach out to others without invading their space. Be sensitive to the other person’s feelings or decisions, your duty will be to try to support them as best as you could.

- Be Positive
Sometimes, it’s easier to just walk away from a relationship or friendship when it’s hard rather than try to work things out. It takes guts and understanding to keep the embers going. Doesn’t mean you shouldn’t walk away if you have to, especially when it’s become toxic. However, give it your best shot. Stay positive about the other person and always come from a place of love. The love they say conquers all, rather than entertain those negative thoughts about the other person why not wait to see if things will turn around for the better.

- Just be there
Sometimes, you don’t even have to do or say anything or even try to be of help to anyone. Just showing up could be enough. Man is a social animal. Everyone craves some form of positive companionship. Also, be real, if you cannot be friends with someone, don’t fake it. They’ll eventually find out and that would be time and life well wasted. When you have a friend or a member of the family displaying erratic mood swings and needs professional handling, reach out to an expert who is reliable. That too counts. Mental health is not a reason to avoid being with someone, rather that’s when you should be thinking of ways you can reach out to that person.
True friends are hard to find so maybe the fastest way to find one is by being one to someone else. You may get hurt along the way but your odds of finding a true friend are much better than someone who’s not trying.
- Start with a call
- Be kind
- Be sensitive
- Think Positive and
- Just be there
Lastly, remember that love conquers all always. Be the friend you want to see
With Love and gratitude as always, Xo!
For more useful tips and resources on how you can improve your relationships with yourself and others, get a copy of my eBook. “How to Start from Zero” and discover more techniques you can adopt to improve the quality of your relationships thereby improving your overall health and well-being.
“How to Start from Zero”. It will show you to be in your best shape and teach you valuable tips and lessons you can share with other people and help them improve their lives also.
You will also be exposed to several other ways to achieve healthy living that suits on your lifestyle and taste.
There are secrets and ideas shared in this eBook that are very practical, relatable, and realistic. This eBook will show you how to easily adopt healthy lifestyle habits and get rid of the bad ones quickly.
You can click the link below to get a copy of the e-book for yourself.
Disclaimer: Please note that I am not your doctor while I am a health coach by profession. This article is for informational and educational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice nor does it establish any kind of medical relationship between you and me. I will not be held liable for any damage resulting from or related to your use of this information.