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Natural Foods vs Supplements

There have been several debates in the health and fitness community around what’s the better route to giving the body the nutrients it requires: Natural food or Supplements?

While both options have their benefits, there are fundamental differences that need to be considered when making a choice. In this article, we will explore the contrast between eating whole natural foods and using supplements.

Whole natural foods are foods that have not undergone any significant processing or alteration from their original state. These foods include fruits, vegetables, grains, and meats. They are rich in essential nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, and fiber, which are essential for maintaining good health. Whole natural foods are often considered the healthiest option because they provide a complete range of nutrients and are easy for the body to digest.

On the other hand, Supplements are concentrated forms of nutrients that are extracted from natural sources or synthesized in a laboratory. Supplements come in various forms, including capsules, tablets, powders, and liquids. They are often marketed as a convenient way to get all the essential nutrients without having to consume large amounts of food. However, supplements can never replace the benefits of consuming whole natural foods.

Benefits of a Natural foods

Experts recommend that healthy people get their vitamins and minerals by eating nutrient-rich foods instead of taking supplements. If you’re in good health, you’re better off getting your daily nutrients from the food you eat because they contain vitamins and minerals that are often easier for the body to absorb.

Listed below are some benefits you derive from consuming whole natural foods.

  1. Complete nutrients

The major advantage of whole natural foods is that they provide a complete range of nutrients in their natural form, which is essential for maintaining good health. For example, an apple contains fiber, vitamins, and minerals that work together to promote good health. However, an apple supplement may only contain a few of these nutrients, and they may not work as effectively as they do in their natural form.

  1. Healthy weight

Another advantage of whole natural foods is that they are low in calories and high in fiber, which is essential for maintaining a healthy weight. Fiber helps to keep you feeling full, which can prevent overeating and reduce the risk of obesity.

  1. Healthy living

Eating a variety of natural foods can help you stay healthy. Foods contain a host of good nutrients that the body needs like protein, carbs, fats, vitamin C, Vitamin D, iron, zinc, fiber, and water, as well as various vitamins and minerals that helps to keep the body healthy and strong including the muscles, bones, organs, and other cells and tissues of the body.

  1. Prevents diseases.

Whole natural foods also contain phytochemicals and antioxidants that can protect the body against diseases such as cancer and heart disease. Eating a mix of nutritious foods helps to reduce the risk for many diseases, including heart disease, stroke, diabetes, and high blood pressure. The natural fiber present in whole foods is a great add-on to reduce constipation and hence reduce cancer related problems in the large intestine and rectum. It also helps in prevention of heart disease and type 2 diabetes.

Benefits of Supplements

Getting all the nutrients you need from the natural foods we eat can sometimes be difficult, and supplements can be an easy way to add nutrients to your diet. Supplements are those products created either naturally or synthetically to fill those gaps. They typically come in the form of pills, powders, or beverages that are supposed to provide additional vitamins, minerals, protein, fiber, or other nutrients to our diet. Some, such as multivitamins or complete nutrition shakes, may provide a combination of nutrients.

Some of the benefits of supplements include:

  1. Increased nutrient intake.

Taking supplements leads to an increased level of total nutrient intake. Dietary supplements include vitamins, minerals, herbs, amino acids, and enzymes. This is of course when taken in addition with natural foods so that they serve to augment the nutrients that may be lacking in the natural foods we eat often.

  1. More convenient.

Another advantage of supplements is that they are easy to take, since they come in capsule, tablet, or liquid forms. This means that you can carry them with your wherever you go and would only need to reach for them in a matter of seconds when you need to have them without going through the hassles associated with sourcing, preparing, and eating natural foods.

  1. Curative benefits

Supplements can also be very useful to people who are sick and are not able to digest their food or eat required quantities of the whole foods. These supplements help them bridge the gap and keep them alive and sometimes healthy while they try to recover fully.

  1. Support benefits

In the case of senior citizens, metabolism is much slower and the rate of their body absorbing the nutrients it needs from food may have significantly reduced. Here, supplements such as multi vitamins or minerals can help them get their required dietary quantities for the day. Supplements can help to support a healthy diet for them.

Risks of Supplements

While supplements may provide a convenient way to get all the essential nutrients, they may not be as effective as consuming whole natural foods. This is because supplements may contain only a few of the essential nutrients, and they may not work as effectively as they do in their natural form.

Listed below are some of the risks associated with consuming supplements instead of natural whole foods:

  1. Supplements may contain harmful additives and preservatives that can have adverse effects on the body.
  2. There is a high risk of overdose when it comes to supplements. Some vitamins and minerals when taken in large amounts are very harmful to the body.
  3. Self-prescription is another risk with supplements. Some people believe that they can have dietary supplements over the counter. This is not advisable and can lead to even more damaging consequences for the patient.
  4. Some supplements are also not tested by the Food and Drug Administration; hence they can contain hidden ingredients or drugs that may be harmful to your health.
  5. Some supplements interact with medications. Anyone with a condition like diabetes, high blood pressure, or heart disease should get a doctor’s OK before taking any supplement.
  6. Many supplements also contain active ingredients that may have strong biological effects. Actions like combining supplements, mixing supplements with medicines, or taking too much of some supplements could be harmful or even life-threatening for the individual.
  7. Dietary supplements should not replace complete meals. Both natural foods and supplements have specific roles to play. Seeking professional help before starting a supplement is the best way forward. With the right guidance and support, you can be sure you are maintaining a healthy diet and getting all the nutrients you need.

Never start taking a supplement without talking to your doctor first. 

In conclusion, whole natural foods and supplements are two different approaches to achieving good health. While both options have their benefits, whole natural foods provide a complete range of nutrients in their natural form, which is essential for maintaining good health. 

Supplements may provide a convenient way to get all the essential nutrients, but they can never replace the benefits of consuming whole natural foods. In other words supplements are tools to add the nutritions we don’t get from the amount of nutrients from food we are supposed to eat on a daily basis. Therefore, it is essential to include whole natural foods in your diet and only use supplements, if necessary, under the guidance of a health professional.

With Love and gratitude as always, Xo!

If you’re interested in learning more about different whole foods choices, and diet types you can adopt to keep you in top shape and avoid the need for additional supplements, then you should get a copy of my Cookbook.“Wholesomely Sugar-Free Cookbook”. and discover so many other ideas you can adopt to help you reach your healthy eating goals.

Retrain Your Brain & Create Habits That Will Change Your Cravings, And Body when you buy this cookbook.  “Wholesomely Sugar-Free Cookbook” will show you numerous amazing recipes you can cook that will help improve your diet.

 “Wholesomely Sugar-Free Cookbook”  will show you how to be in the best physical shape of your life, teach you valuable tips and lessons you can share with other people, and help them improve their eating habits. You will also be exposed to several other ways to achieve healthy living that suits your lifestyle and taste.

You can click the link below to get a copy of the e-book for yourself.

Disclaimer: Please note that I am not your doctor while I am a health coach by profession. This article is for informational and educational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice nor does it establish any kind of medical relationship between you and me. I will not be held liable for any damage resulting from or related to your use of this information.