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My Favorite Brain Games

Our brain power, memory, cognition and problem solving abilities make up a large part of who we are. We need functional brains in order to perform tasks well and efficiently. Unfortunately, sometimes our cognition and memory begin to fail us, maybe as a result of aging, unhealthy life choices or due to a traumatic experience. No one wants to have to go through this experience so engaging in brain exercises to keep your memory sharp can help prevent or reverse some of the negative trends.

Many people believe that brain games are not only fun but also provide the educational stimulation we need. Any type of game will help develop or improve concentration, memory, thinking, strategy, and cognition. These games can be played by people of all ages either for relaxation or for competitive purposes and there are over 200 million plus of these games you can find. Just type the words brain games into any search engine and you’ll find that there are more than enough brain games you can choose from.

It is commonly known that the human brain needs mental stimulation to stay fit and healthy. Research has proven that reading out loud or performing simple math calculations are an efficient way to extend your mental capabilities. Games such as riddles, crosswords, math games, quizzes, memory or other visual games and other knowledge games enjoy a lot of popularity among different people around the world. These games present a kind of exercise for the brain to stay fit and helps to exercise the brain with mental training in various small games.

The human brain needs constant training but most people do not find the time or motivation to go through a formal learning process again, hence brain games present a suitable alternative to keep the brain healthy and fit while still having fun at the same time.

Below are six brain activities we can engage in to significantly improve its performance.

  1. Enjoy a jigsaw puzzle

Whether you’re trying to piece together a 500 piece image of the Empire state building or a 100 piece Mickey Mouse art, working on a jigsaw puzzle is an excellent way to strengthen your brain.

Research shows that doing jigsaw puzzles improves one’s cognitive abilities because working through it means you have to look at different pieces at the same time and figure out where they fit within the larger picture. This is a great way to challenge and exercise your brain.

  1.  Play cards

Cards are a quick way to stimulate the brain especially for adults. Researchers have found that card games can help to create greater brain volume in several regions of the brain and also improve memory and thinking skills. You can start by trying out any one of these card games: Solitaire, bridge, gin rummy, poker, hearts, crazy eights etc.

  1. Learn something new

This one requires a lot more commitment and perseverance but it is also one that is super effective in helping you improve your brain power. It could be something that is of interest to you just make sure it’s one that gets your full attention. Learning a new skill is not only fun and interesting, but it also helps to strengthen the connections in your brain and keeps your brain alert and constantly challenged.

  1. Teach someone else a skill you know

One of the best ways to expand your learning is to teach a skill to another person. After you learn a new skill, you need to practice it. Teaching it to someone else requires you to explain the concept and correct any mistakes you make. This is another great way to exercise the brain and help you fill up knowledge gaps in areas where they are lacking.

  1. Listen to music

Looking for an easy way to increase your creative brain power? Then listening to some music may just do the trick. According to a 2017 study by Trusted Source, listening to happy tunes helps the brain to be a lot more innovative than when it is in a quiet place. Music also helps to improve our creativity and relaxes the brain and the body.

  1. Meditate

Daily meditation can calm the body, slow down breathing and help the body to reduce stress and anxiety. Meditation also helps to fine-tune the memory and increase the brain’s ability to process information faster and better. Make it a habit every day to find a quiet spot, close your eyes, and spend five to ten minutes meditating.

The key to these brain exercises is that you have to find them fun, but challenging at the same time. If they’re fun, you will look forward to doing them instead of avoiding them. And of course, since practice makes perfect, the more you do them, the more you’ll see progress and improvement in your memory.

Basically, these types of exercises are a workout for your mind. You can always improve, no matter your age, and no matter how much trouble you may have recalling things at present. Remember that after about the age of 30, your mind can begin to lag a little bit cognitively. Don’t wait until the deterioration becomes irreversible, begin early so that you can retain mental sharpness even as you get older.

Brain training games are definitely useful for everyone to partake in as a daily part of life. You will learn vital life and cognitive skills that everyone can make use of.

Apart from being fun, these games will boost your esteem, confidence and hopefully keep your mind sharp for many years to come!

With Love and gratitude as always, Xo!

For more useful tips and resources on how to keep your brain healthy and fully functional, you can get a copy of my eBook. “How to Start from Zero” and discover more techniques you can adopt to constantly stay brain healthy and improve the quality of your cognition and memory.

 “How to Start from Zero”. will help you get into the best shape of your life by exposing you to so many ways to identify signs of deteriorating brain health and practical ways to deal with them.

The principles and ideas shared in this eBook are very practical, relatable, and realistic. This eBook will show you how to easily adopt healthy lifestyle habits and get rid of the bad ones quickly.

 You can click the link below to get a copy of the e-book for yourself.

Disclaimer: Please note that I am not your doctor while I am a health coach by profession. This article is for informational and educational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice nor does it establish any kind of medical relationship between you and me. I will not be held liable for any damage resulting from or related to your use of this information.