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Looking Back at Your Goals for The First Half of 2021

It’s probably a good time to re-evaluate our goals for the year and make adjustments moving forward. It is more likely that by now, you will have a pretty good idea of what your goals for the rest of the year are, and what you need to do to achieve them.

Typically, we would be bombarded with so many ideas at the start of the year of very noble plans and goals for ourselves. I plan one big project a year and then allow myself to be creative around the tasks that need to be done to achieve the goal.

Nevertheless, now is a good time to review those goals to make sure they still fit into our overall goals for the year. You can check out my Goal Plan Ideas for more insight on this exercise.    

Need some help?                                           

The following sections will prove very useful for you if you:       

  • Have fallen off track
  • Are not feeling motivated enough to keep working on your goals
  • Are stuck
  • Are not as productive as you’d want to be        

Just like I have listed in my soon-to-be-released ebook, there are several practical steps that you can apply to accomplish the goals you set for yourself in life. Without letting too much out of the bag, here are some of the few tips which can help you get back on track if you feel you’re not achieving a much as you’d love to.

Tools and Tips for success if you need to get back on track

Goals Review

It is important to carry out monthly review sessions as we make progress with our goals. However, I also think that it is quite critical to also carry out a more comprehensive review at the end of the first half of the year. This mid-year review allows you to get a broader picture of your progress so far. 

Ready to get started? Let’s begin!   

Note: It’s best if you can complete this mid-year review not later than the first month in the second half of the year.   

Get a notebook, your journal, diary, or any writing material you can find and answer these questions below to the best of your ability and with utmost sincerity.               

  1. How do you feel you have fared with your goals so far in the year? Rate your progress from 1 to 10 (10 being the highest level of progress) 
  2. List your biggest accomplishments in the year.
  3. How do you feel about those accomplishments? Describe those feelings in 3 words below
  4. How would you rate your productivity so far in 2021? Rate your progress from 1 to 10 (10 being the highest level of progress).
  5. What can you do to increase your productivity? Write three actionable items you can think of. 
  6. Are you on track for most of your goals? If No, then what is holding you back? List any thoughts that come to your mind. (e.g I don’t have enough time, I need more support, etc.)
  7. What can you do to change the things that hold you back? Write down the best ideas that come to you.        

Health Goals

Your overall health plays an important role in your productivity and ability to achieve your goals. It is important not to ever overlook your health in the pursuit of success. You should answer the question below to assess where your health is this year.   

  1. Physical health – Rate your physical health from 1 to 10. Rate your progress from 1 to 10 (10 being the highest level of progress)                       
  2. If you’re not feeling your best and you think you have not paid due attention to your health this year, you should commit to making improvements going forward. Your health should always be a priority.
  3. Write down any the steps you think you can take to improve your health going forward.   

Time Management (Weekdays)

We are all entitled to the same number of hours in a day, yet it appears some people know how to use their time more efficiently than others. It all comes down to time management if we want to see better results for the use of our time. You can try the following exercise below to see what changes you can make to your schedule/time usage.    

Think about what your current weekday schedule looks like and then try to answer these questions in your notebook to see what changes you can make.

  1. What do you do in your waking hours?
  2. How much time do you allocate to each task?
  3. Are they essential?       


Motivation is key to achieving success. When we are motivated, we get things done. When we are not, the desire to accomplish tasks wanes and we become less productive. If you don’t feel too motivated right now about your goals, I challenge you to try to complete the following exercise below to see if you’ll get the boost you need to get back on track with your goals. 

To find the motivation to get things done; you need to have a strong reason why you want that goal accomplished. Once you can find your strong why it would be a lot easier to find your motivation.   

Take some time to think about your WHYS. Write each of them down next to your goals and if you find you no longer have a strong reason to complete a goal, then consider taking it out from your list of goals. It’s ok to make changes to your goals as time goes on. If you no longer feel very strongly about achieving a goal, then there’s no point in trying to force yourself to accomplish it. 

There is a brain chemical (dopamine) that our body produces to help us stay motivated. Once our body can produce enough dopamine, it becomes easier to stay motivated and focused. The reverse also leads to a lack of enthusiasm about tasks and life in general.

There are several ways we can help our body produce more dopamine. You can check out the list below to see the ones you should try out.

  1. Getting enough sleep
  2. More exercise
  3. Listen to your favorite music regularly
  4. Meditation
  5. Expose yourself to more healthy sunlight
  6. Eat protein-rich foods (foods that have the amino acid tyrosine and phenylalanine – you can find a list of these kinds of foods online)   
  7. Consume more omega-3 fatty acid foods (not pills) rich in probiotics. 
  8. Get a massage
  9. Take a cold shower         

Now that you know what steps you need to take to improve your productivity, it’s time to act. You need to come up with a plan and commit to it. Write it out in your note or on a piece of paper and try to remind yourself of it as often as possible. (For example; I will work out on Mondays and Wednesdays after work or I will go to bed one hour before my usual time this week). 

Things that could hinder you from achieving your goals.

  1. Poor time management 
  2. Lack of motivation
  3. Procrastination
  4. Distractions
  5. Making excuses
  6. Trying to be perfect
  7. Poor stress management
  8. Falling off track after vacation
  9. Self-doubt
  10. Feelings of exhaustion
  11. Dealing with Past failures               

What are some of your most common distractions? (E.g. the phone, social media, TV, pets, e-mails, meetings, people interruptions, background noise, clutter, etc.)       

Make a list of anything that comes to your mind on the left column of your page and the right side, brainstorm ideas or strategies to deal with those distractions. 

Healthy Habits: Do’s and Don’ts                        

There is a very direct relationship between your health and the level of success you achieve in life. If you’re feeling your best, you’ll be able to achieve more so we must make our health a priority! Try this exercise, make a list of some of the healthy habits you currently have on the left column (e.g I eat lots of fruits and vegetables)  and on the right side a list of habits you know are not healthy for you (e.g I don’t drink up to six glasses of water in a day.)

Commit to doing more of the items on the left column and avoid doing those on the right column. You should write it or print it out on a piece of paper so you can have several copies of it around the house to constantly remind you of them. 

“Work on your goal a little bit each day no matter how small”
“Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishments”
“A little progress each day adds up to big results”

Much Love and Go back on track!

Looking for a one-stop destination where you can find very useful and practical tips to help you get started, get going, and get-achieving fantastic results with your health, fitness, diet, motivation, and life in general?

Then you should check out my upcoming eBook, “How to Start from Zero”. This book offers its readers a proven framework for improving their health and wellness every day. No matter your health goals, this eBook distills in very practical terms; strategies that will teach you how to adopt healthy lifestyle habits and get rid of the bad ones.

It even contains some of my favorite food recipes just in case you’re wondering how I do it! This eBook is the perfect companion for those who want to make a lasting change and transform their lives permanently.

Disclaimer: Please note that I am not your doctor t while I am a health coach by profession. This article is for informational and educational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice nor does it establish any kind of medical relationship between you and me. I will not be held liable for any damage resulting from or related to your use of this information.