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What September Taught Me

October is fast approaching which means that it’s almost time for many of you to embark on a new and exciting journey. That journey is, of course, to set goals like cut off on sugar intake For many people, this journey is a real opportunity to learn more about how (which can be spooky). It’s often our first experience is to realize how codependent we are withsugar. Today I thought I’d share a few life lessons that I learned while writing the sugar addiction series this September.

Personal Lesson I Learned This September

Stepping out of my comfort zone can be a good thing.

I’m the type of gal who loves her comfort zone. It’s where I feel most at home and I don’t often like to step out of it. However, while at work with a work team there were instances where I had no choice but to venture out of my comfort zone when we did group tasks or working with a software called Asana. There were times where I had to work with 3 girls or Zoom with two of my team member where they’re more knowledgeable of the topics and especially where I was used to working on my own bubble.

As uncomfortable as it was stepping out of my comfort zone, it was also really eye-opening. I learned that I can work with people and start to delegate and learn as I go. Doing these kinds of things really helped me shift to a growth mindset rather than a fixed mindset.

Business Lesson I Learned This September

Money is something I need to work on.

Money is a pretty split thing when it comes to biz. You’re either really good at dealing with your finances and have a budget for everything. Or you’re like me and manage to blow through a few grand within a matter of weeks on projects because you are very creative and then realize you went out of your project budget.

Let me tell you that one of my biggest regrets in my first business was not being better with my money. Luckily I had a job and the business so I didn’t have to worry too much about the money. This month, working on my mindset surrounding money is something I really need to work on and it’s something that I definitely have big plans for. I also learned to delegate more of the tasks from the biz.