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Inflammation Food

Our brains and our guts work for hand in gloves with each other, if your get is unhealthy; you’re most likely going to affect the health of your brain and vice versa. So today I’d like us to talk about inflammation foods, but first, let us find out the meaning of Inflammation Foods. 

INFLAMMATIONS FOODS can simply be defined as refined carbohydrates – white rice, pasta, and bread, as well as SUGAR, beverages, packaged Juices (sugary), and processed foods; All of these are referred to as inflammation foods and they help feed an unhealthy gut. 

INFLAMMATIONS can either be good or bad depending on the situation.

Inflammation on one hand is our body’s natural way of protecting itself whenever it falls sick or gets injured. Inflammation defends the body from illnesses and also helps the body recover quickly. However, sustained inflammation leads to increased risk of acquiring diseases like diabetes, obesity, and heart disease.

Causes of Inflammation

  1. Table Sugar and High Fructose Corn Syrup (No. #1 on the list) 
    Table sugar (sucrose) and high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) are the two major sugar types that you’ll find in the most Western diet. Sugar is 50% glucose and 50% fructose, while high fructose corn syrup is about 45% glucose and 55% fructose.
    Sugars are harmful to the body and increase inflammation which leads to increased risk of acquiring diseases like diabetes, obesity, and heart disease.

  2. Artificial Trans Fats 
    Artificial Trans fats are created by adding hydrogen to unsaturated fats (or liquid fats) in order to give them the stability of more solid fat. Artificial Trans fats are most likely the unhealthiest type of fats to consume.

  3. Vegetable and Seeds oil 
    Vegetable oils, such as soybean oil, corn oil, peanut oil all promote inflammation due to their very high omega-6 fatty acid content 

  4. Refined Carbohydrates
    Refined carbs are harmful to the body in several ways because they are low in fiber and are digested quickly; refined carbs lead to the growth of inflammation-causing bacteria, leads to a spike in sugar level, and can also cause addiction to sugar. 

  5. Alcohol
    Recent research reveals that excessive intake of alcohol can cause what is referred to as leaky gut because alcohol intake introduces unhealthy bacteria into the body. These unhealthy bacteria cause inflammation in the intestines and also affect the body’s natural ability to regulate inflammation, leading to alcohol-related organ damage. 

  6. Processed foods 
    While processing foods, lots of refined and unhealthy sugars, sodium, and fat are added in the process. Highly processed foods are also treated chemically using additives or preservatives so as to improve their taste, texture, or to extend its shelf-life

Bonus Material: 

Stress causes our adrenal glands to release hormones like adrenaline and cortisol in large quantities which raises our heart rate, increases blood pressure, and makes our blood cells more likely to clot, which causes damage to our brain’s memory center, increasing belly fat storage, and generally causing damage to our body.⁣⁣⁣⁣

So what can we do about it? ⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣⁣

Find exercises that calm you and practice it regularly. Exercises like meditation, yoga, or just taking long walks with your dog can go a long way in mitigating the effects of stress on the body.   ⁣⁣

I’d finish by narrating an experience I had recently with a friend. I was meeting a friend at a park over lunch during which I noticed a really disturbing trend. Almost everyone there was opening a package or box for their lunch.

Trying to avoid processed food completely might be almost impossible in this time and age but understanding that consistent eating of processed foods can be very harmful to our health is the first step to curtailing it and improving our health eventually.

In the least, these foods usually contain increased amounts of salt, sugar, or fat and all these are known to be harmful to the body. They also contain lots of empty calories. 

Consistent practice of all these healthy eating and lifestyle habits is what improves our health and makes us healthy generally. 

The reward is in the process, not the result.

Have a happy reading!