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How to Make New Year’s Resolutions that Stick

  • Wellness

It’s that time of the year when we’re usually super motivated and inspired to resolve ONCE AGAIN to do some of those very difficult things we’ve been putting off for some time before now. Those decisions do away with bad or unhealthy habits and/or pick up new, healthy ones that are filled with good intentions. We’ve even imagined all of the possible positive outcomes that may arise from seeing through with our resolutions and we’re super excited about the results we hope to begin to see very soon.

But somehow, for some strange reason, these resolutions don’t usually make it past the first few weeks of the year. Research has shown that over 80% of the people who make new year’s resolutions by January 1st fall off the wagon by February day; what a number!

Don’t get me wrong, there’s nothing wrong with making resolutions at this time of the year. The New Year’s period is a good time to make positive changes that will enhance one’s life.

As humans, we’re constantly trying to improve ourselves so picking a time in the year and even anytime for that matter to begin to make those positive changes is a welcome idea. However, I think where most people get it wrong is in the process; the process up to the point of making the decision and the process adopted to see those decisions become reality.

Change never comes easy and making positive and lasting change shouldn’t be a walk in the park. Achieving our goals should be around the clock, day in day out, month to month, and year to year effort and so the commitment to it should be intense.

Most New Year’s resolutions end up badly because most people don’t take the time to do a thorough process of reflecting, assessing, transitioning, and goal setting while coming to these decisions. Sometimes, they’re born out of some temporary burst of emotions or maybe a central theme that has been bothering us lately which we then turn into some sort of half-hearted resolution

So how do we make New Year resolutions that will stick and effect real change in our lives?

As you look towards the New Year, take the time to think through those resolutions (less is usually more) before you finally make them. It doesn’t have to come on the 1st day of the year, you can still make them anytime afterward; just make sure you take the time to think about what is important to you first and then see how they fit into the road map for the life that you’ve envisioned for yourself.

Spending a day or two in front of a whiteboard could make a lot of difference in helping you see how it all fits into your life goals. Be as detailed as possible down to the practical steps and activities that would be needed to achieve those goals and what the cost would be (both monetary and otherwise).

If you’ve tried to go at it previously but failed, figure out why you failed and come up with ways to prevent future failures. Also, keep in mind that missed goals and unfulfilled resolutions usually create stress and anxiety for the individual and might eventually prevent you from achieving other goals so you want to make sure you’re going all-in with your resolutions and that there are no exit routes just in case things get hard.

To make it a bit more concise, here are essentially five questions you need to pause, reflect on and answer thoroughly before you jump in on making any New Year resolutions this year.

  1. How motivated am I to change? – You don’t want to rush in on your resolutions. They shouldn’t be some random or casual goals that aren’t that important in helping you achieve your overall goals in life. Remember, these goals should be in the context of the broader goals you have for your life so YES; committing to seeing your resolutions through should feel like your life depends on it because, in an actual sense, that’s what it is.  
  2. Is my resolution in line with my long-term goals? – Just like we mentioned earlier, these goals should fit into the broader context of your future long-term goals. That’s the only way you would find the right amount of motivation to see you through till the end. Achieving each resolution should make you feel like you’re getting closer to your goals in life.
  3. Have I positively framed my resolution? Feeling positive about your resolutions means not focusing on the short-term gains you might get from achieving them and framing them in a way that connects with your life goals which tie back to the first two points mentioned earlier. Most times we’re tempted to settle for the immediate gains that may come from our resolutions but if it’s something you’re going to commit to till the end, then you have to always keep your eye on the big picture.
  4. What reasonable, practical, and do-able steps do I need to take to achieve these goals? –  As a life coach, this is where I tell my students about setting SMART goals if they’re ever going to stand a chance at seeing them through. SMART is an acronym for five keywords you need to take into consideration when setting goals. These are S-SPECIFIC, M-MEASURABLE, A-ATTAINABLE, R-RELEVANT, and T- TIMEBOUND. You can learn more about SMART goals and how to apply them to goal setting when you get a copy of my newly released eBook  “How to Start from Zero”. By making your New Year’s Resolution SMART you’ll increase your chances of success by over a thousand percent.
  5. Lastly, how do I make myself accountable for achieving change? This is the part where someone is looking over your shoulder to make sure you’re doing the things you said you will do. It may not be convenient, the idea of being steadfastly accountable to another person for something that concerns your own life may not be very comforting to some, but the pressure helps too. Make sure it’s someone you can be accountable to; maybe a life coach, a mentor, or some close family or friend you look up to. Someone who is also going to take the time and effort to follow up and make sure you’re following through with your resolutions.

A life coach can do the trick, someone who will help you gain more clarity about where you are right now and where you hope to be in the future. A life coach is someone who will help you define and get in step with your beliefs, values, strengths, and goals and help you work in line with your pace and capacity per time. Making yourself accountable is one of the biggest challenges of making resolutions stick and is also one of the main reasons why most people backslide on them.

Invest in yourself today, follow these simple steps mentioned above and start seeing the positive change you desire in your life.

Maybe this time, unlike other years, it would be a change for GOOD!

Welcome to the new year’s resolutions!

With Love and gratitude as always, Xo!

If you find that one of the main reasons you don’t follow through on your resolutions is because you lack accountability to yourself or someone else, then hiring a life coach like myself or investing in my newly released eBook  “How to Start from Zero”  could make all the difference in helping you become more accountable as regards your New Year resolutions.

In this eBook, I shared several secrets and ideas amongst them that are very practical, relatable, and realistic terms that would help you set and achieve your set goals in life. “How to Start from Zero” will also show you how to adopt healthy lifestyle habits and get rid of the bad ones faster and with greater ease than you’d expect. 

Disclaimer: Please note that I am not your doctor while I am a health coach by profession. This article is for informational and educational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice nor does it establish any kind of medical relationship between you and me. I will not be held liable for any damage resulting from or related to your use of this information.