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How To Know When You Need to Recharge

  • Wellness

Taking a break every now and often is considered not only healthy but should also form an important part of our life schedules.

Most of us would agree that considering the kind of lives we live these days of working round the clock, having to eat on the go, attending to extracurricular, social, or spiritual events, and still making out time for other personal/family obligations; it has become increasingly difficult for one to find the time for fun and relaxation especially when every other person around you appears to be consumed with their own very busy lifestyles.

Nevertheless, we can’t cheat nature. Our body needs rest whether or not we acknowledge the fact and if we don’t take the time for fun and relaxation, then we will eventually be forced into that state of rest and will most likely be in a manner we would have preferred it to not happen.

Just in case you’re still struggling to know when to hit the brakes, here are five signs you can be on the lookout for to let you know when you need to STOP and take some time off from everyday living!

  1. Fatigue

Feeling exhausted every time is a good indicator to let you know you need to take time off to recharge. This exhaustion could be emotional, physical, or mental. What happens most times is that you feel completely spent and don’t feel enthusiastic about anything you do. You may even find it a big challenge getting up from your bed every morning to get to work.

  1. Poor cognition

Do you find it difficult to focus on a particular task or pay attention to someone or something for a reasonable amount of time? This could be a sign of mental stress and would require you to take a break in order to relax your brain. You may even find that you’re finding it increasingly difficult to remember things you would usually not forget.

  1. Getting irritated easily

Once you notice you’re easily frustrated about little things that normally wouldn’t get you worked up, then that’s a sure sign that you’re under stress and you need to take some time off to recharge. You may not even realize this yourself, however, if someone else is kind enough to point it out to you, then you should not take it wrongly. Rather you should ask yourself the question; “why that is?” Maybe you need some alone time so you can clear your head and take care of some of your own needs.

  1. Not able to enjoy anything

When all of a sudden everything becomes dull and boring and nothing seems to excite you anymore, then this is a sure sign that you need to take time to recharge. Even things that you previously enjoyed doing no longer catch your fancy. If you find yourself constantly feeling bored or not excited about anything then maybe it’s time to do some reevaluation. Maybe it’s time to hit the brakes and recharge yourself.

  1. Increased appetite for food

Most people often resort to constant snacking whenever they are stressed emotionally. If you find that you’re constantly craving and looking around the house for snacks especially when you are not hungry, then there is a good chance that you need some self-care time to recharge. The overindulgence could just be your mind’s way of compensating for the absence of a quality me-time you ought to have enjoyed earlier.   

If you find yourself experiencing any of the burnout symptoms described above, here are a few ideas on how you can recharge and get back to your ideal self in no time.

  1. Recharge Physically

Try Yoga: Yoga helps to release stress, body pains, and muscular tension while also lowering your blood pressure and helping you deal with insomnia.

Use a warm bath: This is good therapy any day anytime. You can do this using Epsom salts and scented candles to help achieve a more relaxed state while you relax and unwind. The Epsom Salts not only help soothe your skin but also help to relax your nervous system and reduce stress, while the scented candles help fill the room with pleasant aromas that help you relax.   

Sleep: Sometimes, this could be all you need to recharge yourself. Spending quality to get quality sleep can never be overrated. In fact, consistently depriving yourself of quality sleep time is one of the fastest ways to reach burnout. Adopting a healthy sleep schedule helps to improve your brain function throughout the day and helps you to be more productive.

  1. Recharge Mentally

Take breaks often: it’s ok to just take a break from life every now and then. It could just be a few hours in a day or a whole day in a week. Just get away from people, work, or the usual things that drain your energy. It’ll help your mind a lot.

Do Something Fun: Have you become too old or too busy to have fun? Sometimes, as adults, we don’t even realize that we’ve stopped doing things that just make us feel good about ourselves. Having a weekend getaway, visiting old friends and colleagues, or just enjoying a really good laugh with a movie or some comedy skit is one sure way to recharge your mind.

Making little adjustments to your lifestyle can help to significantly reduce the stress levels in your life. You should try these self-care techniques and other ones you’ll find in my e-book “How to Start from Zero” to help you recharge yourself both physically and mentally.

Remember to take good care of yourself because no one else will do it for you

You only live once, so make the most of the one life that you’ve got to live.

With Love and gratitude as always, Xo!  

You can visit any of the links posted here to purchase your high-quality pure unscented Epsom salts and also your premium, non-toxic, therapeutic scented candles to help you with your self-care/recharge therapy. 

Visit the link posted below to get a copy of my eBook. “How to Start from Zero” and discover so many other ideas you can adapt to help you recharge and refuel your energy levels. 

Disclaimer: Please note that I am not your doctor while I am a health coach by profession. This article is for informational and educational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice nor does it establish any kind of medical relationship between you and me. I will not be held liable for any damage resulting from or related to your use of this information. 

Also, links to products provided on this website may utilize some affiliate links and might generate a small commission from clicks that result in a purchase. Readers should however note that not all product links published on this blog contain affiliate links so my recommendations could be purely based on my personal preferences.