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How To Keep Yourself Motivated & Inspired

Motivation and inspiration help us to achieve both personal and organizational goals. Numerous researches have been carried out to see the impact of motivation and inspiration on an individual’s progress and performance. The findings from most of the research that has been conducted are that both motivation and inspiration are a huge part of the inner requirements for success.

Motivation and inspiration help you to identify credible goals and targets. It also helps you come up with ways in which to achieve these goals and a time frame in which it will be achieved. These targets help you to have a destination which then begins to have an impact on your behavior and mindset as you continue to adjust yourself to meet up targets you set for yourself.

Motivation and inspiration are also important because they add excitement as well as enthusiasm to your daily activities. Once you are motivated and inspired to achieve a certain goal, activities involved in meeting your targets are no longer going to be burdensome. This is because you become excited about doing them and somehow life becomes more interesting and, in a sense, more rewarding each time you achieve a goal.

Today, I would like to share with you five things that you can do to keep yourself motivated and inspired all the time

  1. Have a goal wall
    Print out each of my goals onto a piece of paper and display them on a wall, maybe in front of your desk or someplace where you can easily see it every day.

    Your goas should not be arbitrary like; I want to lose weight, rather it should be clearly defined as to what exactly you want and possibly the timeframe within which you want to achieve it. For example, “I want to lose 10lbs in the next week”. Now, this is a lot more precise.

    Taking it a bit further, rather than just wishing for it, you can become more assertive about it and state it as something that must be accomplished, like; “I will lose 10lbs in the next one week”. This sounds more like a fact rather than a wish. It’s no longer “I want” rather it’s “I will” meaning that you need to achieve the goal that you’ve set for yourself.

    You can even choose to take it further? State the goal as if it’s already happened! “As at xx/xx/2020, I have lost 10lbs”. Now, this is a foregone issue, it means that this is definitely going to happen, you know the exact amount of weight you will lose, and you know the exact amount of period within which you want to lose it.

    Stick these to your wall in your office or your room to remind yourself of what you’ll be accomplishing in the next few months, weeks, or even days. This method is good not just for personal goals but also for work-related goals especially if it’s one that has a deadline attached to it.

    Once you’ve completed a goal don’t throw it away. Put a big old checkmark across it and put it off to the side on the wall. Now if you’re ever staring at your goal wall feeling a bit overwhelmed, you can motivate yourself by seeing all the goals you’ve already gotten done!
  1. Tell a good friend about your goals
    This can be a work colleague, your best friend, a relative, or your spouse. Let them know what you’re going to achieve and how you intend to achieve it and recruit them to help you achieve this goal by giving you encouragement and support.

    They’ll also be there to remind you about your goals especially if it’s one they are particularly interested in. They want to see if you can do it because that can also be a source of inspiration to motivate them to achieve their own personal goals too. Possibly, you two can work together, motivating each other to accomplish set goals!
  1. Reward yourself for achieving your goals
    Find a way to reward yourself after you have achieved a goal. Look for something you’ve always wanted or craved for and reward yourself with it, sort of like the whole carrot and the stick approach. Associating the enjoyment of certain benefits with the successful achievement of a goal has a way of motivating you to achieve those goals.

    You can choose to pair each of your goals to one type of reward to help your motivation. For instance, if you’d like to treat yourself to a vacation and you also want to lose 20lbs, associating these 2 together increases your chances of accomplishing your goal.  Your desire to go on that much-deserved vacation can be motivation to lose 20lbs. Now you’ve accomplished 2 of your goals at the same time because they both complement each other.
  1. Display positive and motivating quotes
    Positive and motivational quotes are immensely helpful. You can look up several books full of them on different topics by different kinds of people. Print out your favorite ones, similar to the goal wall, and put them up in front of your desk or on a wall. Get to look at them day after day, and after some time, these quotes will pop up whenever you need them to inspire you through a difficult task, event, or person or it could just help put a smile on your face and help you get through your day whenever you’re having it rough.
  1. Listen to positive motivational podcasts
    Podcasts are capable of helping you get motivated, recharge your spirit, boost your mood, and help me get better. There are thousands of quality top podcasts that are regularly being recorded that either inform or entertain their audiences, and they can all be listened to in any type of environment you could think of. These inspirational podcasts provide a wealth of information to help inspire and motivate you to live an incredible life. You can listen anytime, anywhere, so it is a convenient way to learn and improve oneself.                   

Make 2021 an awesome year. It’s the start of a new decade- let’s make it count! I wish you a wonderful year ahead – may all your goals and dreams come true. 

Goals are dreams with deadlines!

Happy 2021 Goals!