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How to Approach Fitness after the December Season

Now that December is over, you might take a look at the mirror and see that your waistline may appear bigger than it was before the day off started. Whether it was the sumptuously tasting chocolate cake, the silky-smooth eggnog, or mama’s home-made fruit cake, gaining a few extra pounds during the family gatherings is usually not far-fetched however the effect it can have on our health may be far-reaching.

Studies have shown that most people may only gain about a pound or two during the holidays and even though this may come as a surprise to those who think they might have gained between 5 to 10 pounds over the holidays, losing this extra weight can prove very difficult as researchers have also found that although the weight gained during the holidays may not be much, it usually accumulates from year to year and can lead to serious health problems like obesity and heart disease later in the future.

Hence there is a need for one to consciously and deliberately set up a fitness plan to deal with any extra weight that may have been gained during the holiday and making a decision today to start eating healthy and exercising regularly is the first step to getting back in shape after the holiday season.

Steps to Take

  1. The first thing you may want to do is to take small but consistent steps to gain control over your weight and take charge of your health. For example, if you were not very active during the holidays, then don’t start training like you’re preparing for the Olympics now. If you try to do too much too fast you may be setting yourself up for failure. The best approach is to begin every step that you take very slowly and to build gradually from there.

    One great way to go about losing weight this period and improve your health is to add more fruits and vegetables to your diet. Not only are fruits and vegetables low in calories but they also supply your body with much-needed vitamins, minerals, and anti-oxidants.

  2. Another strategy you can adopt is to cut about 800 calories a week from your diet by either eating less or exercising more. The best solution, of course, is to eat less and exercise. Combining both helps you achieve your desired results much faster.

    Regular exercise combined with eating smaller and healthier portions of food is a sure-fire method to lose weight and get back in shape.

  3. Staying physically fit should not translate to spending long hours in a gym or huge sums of money on costly fitness programs. A systematic workout of small exercises such as brisk walking, cycling, jogging, and swimming can energize the body. An overdose of exercise might injure the body. So it is vital to find an enjoyable schedule of activity.

    The fitness methods adopted must be person-specific. It varies for men, women, children, and the aged. Individuals have to choose exercises that are ideal for their body. Fitness methods include meditation, yoga sessions, aerobic classes, and muscular fitness exercises, and so on.

  4. Just 20 to 30 minutes of exercise performed 3 to 4 days per week is sufficient to achieve noticeable improvements in your health. Moreover, if you don’t have a lot of time, those 30 minutes of exercise do not have to be performed all at once. You can try breaking up your fitness routine into small segments of 10 to 15 minutes each throughout the day. Then, when you have more time, you can schedule more physical fitness into your routine.

However, the way you choose to go about it, the most important step is to ensure to TAKE ACTION! If you gained a few extra pounds over the holiday, the result of not taking action can have serious implications on your health. Deciding today to take a proactive approach to your health and your weight is the most important first step you can make to optimum health and a healthier new you.

Love & Light!