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Home Workout Routines

So you’d like to build a workout lifestyle but you’d rather do some kind of home workout routines than go to the gym where you could become intimidated by the muscle heads, fitness freaks, and creepy people hanging all over the place.

Today, I would like us to go over a few good workout routines that you can engage right from the comfort of your home. These routines shouldn’t take too much of your time and better still, you don’t have to leave your house or spend money buying fancy expensive exercise equipment to engage these workouts. 

After doing some research, I found that there are actually a good number of workout routines that are very effective and can help you achieve great results and help save money over the long run. 

it’s been almost a year since I haven’t training at the gym.

And after weightlifting for years, I thought home workouts were a waste of time. I thought progress was impossible with at-home exercises because I mean, how much can you do when you only have a 15-pound dumbbell. I thought to myself that even if I did have the barbells and plates to work with, I couldn’t commit to working out at home. Why? The motivation just wasn’t there for me. 

Well, it’s almost been a month, and I’ve committed to working out 5-6 days a week at home and getting 10,000 steps in a day. I’m incredibly shocked, proud, and excited to keep this going. 

Now, that’s something I never thought I would say, but if you’re having a hard time figuring out how to stay motivated and commit to working out at home, here are a couple of things I’ve done to stay motivated. 

  1. Follow a routine
  2. Commit to Schedule
  3. Set up your Home Gym Schedule
  4. Stop Excuses
  5. Blast Your Music and Set the mood 

One of the best home workout routines for fat loss is using your body weight to work out by using the biggest, and strongest muscles that you have in your body. Using the largest muscles in your body to workout means that those muscles are going to need a bit more calories in order to recover rather than if you had done a workout where you just focused on the smaller muscles.

For instance, during a pushup, the main muscles that you are using are your chest, triceps, shoulders, and forearms, as well as activating your core in order to stabilize your entire body. Compare that to a bicep curl which basically just isolates your bicep and forearm muscles to lift the weight, using your shoulders and core to stabilize your body.

It is clear from the above explanation that we’re using quite a bit more muscles in the pushup than in the bicep curl.

So starting from this point, I’ll highlight 5 basic types of movement that you can include in your daily Home Workout Routines

  1. Squat – like a Bodyweight Squat
  2. Single-Leg – an example would be a lunge
  3. Pushing Movement – i.e. a pushup
  4. Jump – like a jumping jack
  5. Core – a plank hold

Now let’s pull this all together

In order to build your own home workout routine, you’d have to pick one exercise from each of the categories above and decide to do each of those exercises for 30 seconds each, with no rest in-between.

So for a beginner, it would go like this:

  1. Lying Hip Extension – 30 seconds
  2. Wall or ground Pushup – 30 seconds
  3. Jumping Jacks – 30 seconds
  4. Side Leg Raise – 15 seconds on each leg
  5. Kneeling Plank – 30 seconds

When you’re done with the last one, you’d rest about 30-60 seconds and then repeat the cycle all over again, after which you rest another 30-60 seconds and repeat the cycle again until you get tired.

You can also modify these exercises to make them more difficult as you progress to intermediate or a more advanced level.

Higher levels of difficulty for these routines could include;

  1. Doing a bodyweight squat on your toes
  2. Doing a pushup on your knees or toes 
  3. Doing a burpee or tuck jump instead of the jumping jacks
  4. Doing a full reverse, forward, or walking lunge instead of the side leg raise
  5. Doing a full plank or a plank on a stability ball in place of the kneeling plank

Home workout routines are quite frankly, the simplest way to get you the body that you want. Just follow those easy steps above in selecting exercises from those 5 different categories (squat, single-leg, pushing, jump, and core) and you can build yourself home workout routines that’ll get you started.


Enjoy your home workout!