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Easy Goals to Accomplish Before the End of the Year

The year 2020 has been a very challenging year for many people around the world. Most people’s goals and target took the back seat this year considering the events that unfolded in the year so it’s probably not a good idea to beat yourself up if you didn’t achieve your set targets that you planned out at the beginning of the year.

However, the end of the year is fast approaching and we might as well make the year count by setting for ourselves small, manageable goals that we can achieve so we can count more positives for the year 2020.

Today, I’m going to share with you 5 tricks + Tips you can adopt to help you set easy goals and targets that you can achieve before the end of year 2020 to get your back on track & get you motivated until the end of the year.

  1. Start your mornings in a way that is right for you.
    Adopt morning runs, stretching, journaling etc. Adopting a wellness routine every morning will get you in a right frame of mind for the day that is why I’m a passionate advocate for early morning routines.

    Personally, I like to wake up and have a glass of water, lemon water or ginger powder water and afterwards I usually head straight to do my fast cardio and then clean up my home. I have to get all this done in the early morning hours before I start my day.
  1. Set up realistic goal to achieve by December
    Measurable goals will help you to maintain your sense of motivation & determination. I like to set larger goals for myself but I also make it a duty to set small achievable ones in order to help my motivation and determination. These smaller goals tend to act as stepping stones to help me achieve the larger goals.
  1. Don’t just manifest & then imagine but create a visual sheet & outline how you will achieve your goals
    Creating visual sheets and outlining how you’ll achieve these goals on paper helps to make these goals more realistic and achievable and helps break it down in two little chunks of tasks and activities. Personally, I usually get overwhelmed with my own to do list at times and so I came up with the idea of creating a visual representation of what I need to do every day.

    I write down let’s say 10 things I would like to do that day, even the little ones like making the bed and cleaning my desk; I usually love the feeling I get whenever I finish these tasks and have to cross them out from my list and this seriously impacts my motivation to go after the bigger goals and seek to strike them out from my list too.
  1. Don’t be afraid to spend time on yourself.
    I realize that this year in particular, I really pushed myself really hard to spend time on myself and not to allow too much down time and having constantly done so, I have to this huge realization how important it is for me to sit down and to keep track of where my mind is and to ensure that it’s not just entirely focused on work.

    This is so because whenever I’m highly driven by the hustle kind of mentality, it’s very easy for me to get caught up in that entire grind and even begin to feel guilty and anxious if I’m not sending/replying emails or working on my laptop, leaving me exhausted and burnt out at the end of each day. This tends to make me lose out on other smaller goals like spending time with my husband watching a movie or just having a deep conversation. 
  1. Even If the person next to you doesn’t support your dream, don’t be that person that didn’t try.
    People will always have their own opinions of who they think you should be and what you should do. I think it’s okay for your family to have their opinion but that doesn’t mean if they don’t see you vision, then that means they are right. You shouldn’t let anyone else define your dreams and goals for you. Be the best version of yourself always at all times, it doesn’t matter who thinks otherwise.