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Challenges of Working Out From Home

Ever heard the expression; “If it doesn’t challenge you, then It doesn’t change you”? 

If you can relate to the above expression, you’ll probably know how very true and practical it is.

One of my lifelong dreams came through when I finally set up my home gym. After all the hard work, setbacks, and frustrations, I finally did it. However, even after that was accomplished, I was now faced with the challenges of adjusting to constantly working out from home.

This meant that I had to re-do most of my schedule, especially my daily exercise routine. With time, I found myself doing so many exercise routines. I joined a one-month workout challenge, started boxing, jump rope, changed most of my heavyweight workout routines and all of the above. It was quite a challenge for me, but you know there’s absolutely nothing we can’t get our bodies to do once we put our minds to it.

In today’s write-up, I would like to share some of the challenges I faced working out from home and how I was able to overcome them to create for myself a new home fitness journey.

The biggest challenge I had to face after going through my home gym’s hard work was breaking through my barriers. Then one day, I decided I was going to sit and list all those barriers, and to my greatest astonishment, I had as many as six barriers hindering me from maximizing my home workout routine.

This for me was a bit frustrating considering I’ve always been a regular at the gym (Monday – Friday) so that had me wondering; where did all this resistance come from? Did I think I already did most of these routines regularly at the gym?   

So it doesn’t matter your situation; whether you’re a freelancer working from home, you’re a stay at home mom or if you just feel that home is the best place for you to work out then you don’t have to fret over things like; fitting a workout routine into your schedule, figuring out what exactly you’d like to do or finding the motivation you need to constantly break sweat whenever you decide to. I’ve mapped out the perfect workout routines to help you maximize your time and space, and minimize the distractions that might deter you from staying on track.

So in order to help you get through those barriers, here are some tips to guide you

  1. Identify them
  2. Write them down
  3. Set boundaries to your work time
  4. Write down your weekly exercises routine
  5. Set up your workout clothes the night before
  6. Switch your workout
  7. You can also try out fasting cardio, or 3 days HIIT cardio first thing in the morning
  8. Begin a Family Challenge

Some Common barriers

  1. Not enough time to workout
  2. Work from home obligations
  3. Don’t have the heavy machinery needed for workout
  4. Family comes first
  5. You are tired
  6. TV temptation
  7. Not enough motivation
  8. Lack of ideas on what to do

Need some ideas for your home workout routine?

Why not visit my page on IG: GlennysMarquezfitnes to check out some of the workout videos; I’m absolutely sure they’ll do the trick. 

Here are also some exercise ideas I get to do from the comfort of my home which i would love to share with you

  • 15 squats – 3 sets
  • 10 push-ups – 3 sets
  • 3 planks at 30 – 45 seconds each
  • 15 ab crunches – 3 sets
  • 15 bicep curls – 3 sets
  • 15 triceps extensions – 3 sets

Simple But highly effective! These exercise routines target every single muscle group in your body. I also get walk my dog a few times a day too for ‘cardio’ workout.

I believe that I’ve shared some very useful barrier-breaking tips to help you find motivation and stay motivated to constantly work out from home (or even at the gym). However it doesn’t end there, sometimes our minds still have their way of playing tricks on us to talk us out of super important stuff like also learning to pay attention to our bodies and take good care of them. 

We want to make sure we eat healthy as part of keeping our bodies in great shape, keeping in mind that our bodies would rather choose to eat tacos all day and stay up all night watching Netflix. Guess what; the challenge is real!

The single most important decision you’ll have to make right now is to make up your mind that you are going to break those barriers, come what may. 

As you wake up tomorrow, decide that today is the day I am going to take up the challenge and break those barriers. Your body will thank you for it. 

Show up even though your mind is coming up with all the right excuses not to. That’s where the big challenge is.

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Disclaimer: Please note that while I am a health coach by profession, I am not YOUR doctor. This article is for informational and educational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice nor does it establish any kind of medical relationship between you and me. I will not be held liable or responsible for any damage resulting from or related to your use of this information.