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All things related to health and wellness

Five Essential Superfoods

  • Wellness

Superfood is the term typically used to describe foods that provide the best nourishment to the body to help it function optimally.

Benefits of getting a Health Coach

  • Wellness

Health coaches are gaining more and more popularity these days. More people are finding it increasingly useful to hire a professional partner who will guide them on the path to becoming better versions of themselves.

Sugar Addiction Series: How to do a Proper Sugar Detox

  • Wellness

Almost everyone can benefit from a well thought through detox plan. Detoxification helps your body get rid of all the impurities that are in the blood and liver, as these are the main areas that processes toxins for elimination. Learn how to do a proper and SAFE detox in today’s blog.

Sugar Addiction Series: The Effects of Exercise for a Diabetic

  • Wellness

The effects of exercise for diabetic patients are more beneficial than detrimental. Exercise benefits in managing diabetes in several ways and when combined with prescribed medication and a diet, the results are usually good as the patient is better able to manage the disease, maintain a healthy weight, and sufficiently regulate his or her blood sugar level.

Sugar Addiction Series: How to Improve Insulin Sensitivity (Food to Eat)

  • Wellness

There’s a lot of blame to go around when one is middle-aged and not particularly healthy. While there are 101 valid reasons that may have been responsible for your state of health, you should be conscious of the type of criticisms you heap on yourself as they can either be constructive or destructive.

What your poop tells you about your health

  • Wellness

This is probably not the fanciest topic to write on and I agree but I’m sure you’d also agree with me that poop health is an equally important metric to measure anyone’s overall health and well-being.

How long does Gluten stay in the body?

  • Wellness

In case you’re having health concerns about gluten and you’re wondering how long it takes to get it out of the system, then the simple answer is; it may take two to three days for gluten to be fully digested assuming you don’t have any gluten sensitivities.

Why say no to a restrictive diet (It slows down your metabolism)

  • Wellness

Food is primarily still composed of three basic components; fats, carbohydrates, and proteins. These can of course be broken down further into complex carbohydrates, simple carbohydrates, essential fats and oils, fiber, complex and essential amino acids, and many other components.

The Reason Why Your Metabolism is Slow

  • Wellness

A person with a low metabolism would have to put in more into their exercise, work out, or diet in order to shed a few pounds. While on the other hand, a person with a high metabolism may not even need to exercise or diet in order to achieve similar results.