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Are you at a Healthy Weight?

Just the other day as I was taking an online class about carbs cycling; soaking in most of the new information I was learning about our BMI (Body Mass Index) and how it works and even though this is not an entirely new topic for me, still it was interesting for me to come to realize how some of these indicators can point to whether or not we are at a healthy weight.

Our Body Mass Index (BMI); sounds kind of scientific right? Well, BMI is often used to determine whether or not if someone is at a healthy weight. However because of the way it is calculated i.e. considering some of its input parameters; people who tend to have lots of fit muscles may fall into the category of “overweight”. Research has however shown that another indicator; the “Waist circumference” is a better yardstick with which to measure weight-related health problems like diabetes, hypertension, and other cardiovascular diseases. 

Don’t get it all mixed up; we should still keep it in mind that these scales or indicators do not define who we are. The scale readings we get every week or every other day do not determine who we are on the inside (this is very important), however, these readings are just to help us stay mindful of our health or to help us measure our success if we are trying to gain or lose weight. 

Getting on these scales multiple times a day is absolutely wrong! And if you’re one of those who make this habit then you have to STOP NOW! you’re not doing yourself any good. Obsessing over a number on a scale can become a very troubling pattern that can affect one’s peace and happiness in life.  New Study Links Sustained Weight Loss to Lower Risk Of Disease

There are several tips that I have found helpful whenever I am trying to set a weight goal for myself, either in preparation for a photo shoot or an event or just to keep myself at a healthy weight.

Here are some of them;

The Test

Have a measuring tape wrapped around the middle of your waist at its narrowest part. The tape should be snug but not so tight that it compresses your skin. Take a deep breath, exhale, and then check what your number is. A healthy number for women is 80cm and that for men is 90cm

The Results

Less than half your height: Great number. It means you stand a lower risk of weight-related illnesses.

More than half your height: Your chances for contracting a weight-related disease like diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease are higher. You need to start making some adjustments by adopting some healthy eating and exercise habits. 

Want to know if you’re drinking enough water?

Gently pinch the skin on the back of your hand. If it takes more than a few seconds to snap back; then you’re most likely dehydrated. Start drinking more water immediately. 

Can you hold it?

Use your muscles to deliberately stop your urine while you’re at it. If you’re unable to do this within two seconds, then you may be prone to incontinence. You can practice trying to hold and release urine more often to get better at it. 

Want to know if you are a risk-taker?

Which of these two fingers is longer, your index finger or your ring finger? If it’s the latter, then you may have been exposed to more testosterone in the uterus and this could mean that you’re more predisposed to taking risks. 

How are your lungs doing?

Try to see if you can blow out a lit candle that is placed at a distance of about 16 inches away from your face. If you’re unable to do this, then you may have undiagnosed asthma or other lung problems. It’s time to see a doctor.

After you have concluded these tests, do not fix your gaze on whatever the results say. Rather focus your attention on the adjustments you have to make to live a healthier life. Once you’re able to focus on that and continue to map out strategies and take decisive actions towards achieving those health targets, you eventually get to internalize these goals within you and this helps to reinforce the need for you to stay focused thereby helping you reach your health goals.

You can also use some words of affirmation to help you through. Positive talk helps.

You can make statements like:

  • I am capable of…….
  • I know who I am and I know that I am enough
  • I choose to be present in all that I do
  • I choose to think the thoughts that serve me well
  • I choose to feel better about myself and my situation
  • I choose to share my happiness with the people around me
  • My body is my vehicle in life; I choose to fill it with goodness
  • I feel energetic; I feel alive
  • My Life is unfolding beautifully
  • I am a very confident person
  • I am careful to observe before reacting
  • I know that with time and with much effort; I will achieve success
  • I love to encounter challenges and what I learn from overcoming them
  • Each step I take brings me closer to where I want to be in life.