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All About Women’s Nutrition (Diet, Supplements, etc.)

When it comes to Women’s health and nutrition, there are some specific health issues and nutritional needs just for women. Although both men and women experience health challenges, there are many symptoms and conditions that are more common – or even exclusive – to women. For instance, depression and osteoarthritis are more prevalent in women, while menopausal symptoms only affect women.

The differences between male and female needs develop, in part, due to hormonal shifts after puberty. To gain knowledge of a woman’s individual needs, her personal profile must be assessed: her age, lifestyle, predispositions, and genetic factors.

Numerous studies have confirmed a link between nutritional imbalances and serious illnesses. Strokes, heart disease, diabetes, and even cancer have all been partly attributed to poor diets and nutritional deficiencies and/or excesses.

For instance, Underweight women with lower levels of body fat or estrogen, are at a risk of developing scoliosis. Taking vitamin B6, vitamin C, and tryptophan supplements can aid in preventing its onset.

Premenopausal women may see their symptoms, including hot flashes, eased by reducing their consumption of caffeine, hot peppers, and sodium. Sodium also leads to retaining extra fluids and bloating before menstrual cycles, as well as conditions related to high blood pressure.

In all, nutritional counseling and education play a vital role in preventative, as well as proactive, women’s nutritional healthcare. The use of alternative health remedies, herbs, diet, and exercise can also be of immense help.

Nutrition for Women

Good nutrition must help in achieving and maintaining a healthy body composition and high energy levels for physical and mental work. The requirements do not change much between the ages of 19 and 45 years. However, requirements vary depending on the age, gender, and activity level of an individual.

Women’s nutrition is essential to preventing most of the top health issues found in women. Some of the essential nutritional requirements and dietary needs for women’s optimal health are to get the recommended servings of the major food groups, follow a nutritious diet, get the correct number of calories for energy, exercise regularly, and take additional vitamins and minerals to supplement their diet as most of the foods consumed today have little to no nutritional value.

Below is a list of some of the top nutrients’ women would require either through diet or supplements to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

  1. Calcium

During menopause, the decrease in estrogen levels often requires more calcium to offset loss of bone density. The risk of developing osteoporosis is also significantly more prevalent in women than men. Calcium is essential to building bone density, which takes place until women’s mid-20s. However, consuming high doses of vitamin C may negatively affect your health.

Studies have shown a link between taking high doses of vitamin C supplements and developing age-related cataracts, for example. The link is not associated with consumption of fruits and vegetables; rather, it is found to pertain to supplements alone.

  1. Iron

Iron is indispensable to women, more so than to men. Blood lost through menstruation can often lead to iron deficiency, which can lead to all sorts of health-related symptoms: skin pallor, shortness of breath, heart palpitations, and extreme fatigue, etc. Men usually get all the iron they need through food alone. But that’s not so easy for women, who statistically take in fewer calories and need more iron in the first place.

A diet rich in meat, fish, and poultry can help provide iron. Other foods that are high in iron include beans, chard, spinach, and lentils. Vitamin C obtained from orange juice and broccoli can also increase absorption.

  1. Folic Acid

Folic acid promotes heart health and offers protection from color cancer. The Public Health Service recommends consumption of folic acid to childbearing women to help reduce the occurrence of neural tube defects (NTDs). Adequate intake of folic acid can reduce the risk by as much as 50%-70%.

Nutritionists and health experts most of the time advise against the excessive use of health supplements for women because they can create issues concerning body weight or fitness and can sometimes end up exacerbating the problems they were originally meant to solve.

Going the natural way for health and fitness is the safest method. Regular exercise or yoga with a balanced diet is always the ideal supplement. Agreed that the woman’s constitution is much different compared to men, but by being sensitive to the body you can be careful enough to chart out your own diet scheme and fitness regime.

Similarly, keeping a relaxed and positive state of mind is another effective supplement for maintaining good health. This helps you become more aware of your habits, and you’re more sensitive to which ones are either helpful or harmful to your health. In general, the well-being of the body depends on regular exercise, nutritious dieting, adequate bodily rest and a healthy play routine.

Women’s health issues are, today, requiring increasing amounts of specialized attention and care. As advances in modern science continue, it is only fitting that we, the public, become increasingly more aware of the changing nutritional needs of women. Many physical conditions have a direct correlation with dietary imbalances.

Therefore, nutritional counseling is always instrumental in analyzing the nutritional requirements of women – now, and at every stage of life.

With Love and gratitude as always, Xo!

Get to learn a lot more about Women’s health, nutritional requirements for women, and what food and lifestyle recommendations you can adopt to minimize the impact of natural health changes, prevent diseases or ailments that are common to women and promote healthy living for women when you purchase a copy of my eBook. “How to Start from Zero” 

In this book, you’ll discover lots of secrets and ideas amongst other health tips that affect women and that are very practical, relatable, and realistic. “How to Start from Zero” will definitely show you how to stay in the best bodily and mental shape as well as stay in great health even when you’re old and gray.

You can click the link below to get a copy of the e-book for yourself. 

Disclaimer: Please note that I am not your doctor while I am a health coach by profession. This article is for informational and educational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice nor does it establish any kind of medical relationship between you and me. I will not be held liable for any damage resulting from or related to your use of this information.