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5 Tips to Keep Healthy Hormones Healthy

Medical science is constantly providing us with new insights into how our bodies work and how they are prone to diseases and the aging process. These new insights help us live longer and live healthier. One of the major reasons why our bodies are exposed to diseases and aging is when the endocrine system stops secreting sufficient quantities of certain enzymes and hormones that help the body cells fight the accumulation of impurities.

Our bodies produce high quantities of certain hormones and enzymes during our youth. These give us our youthful vitality, strength, and endurance. They help in the battles against free radicals and they help provide nutrients for cell repair. They keep our cells cleansed of the residues of metabolism and environmental toxins.

Hormones also help to regulate and control most of the body’s functions. For example, major sex hormones in men and women which are Testosterone and estrogen respectively help men and women sustain the urge and ability to reproduce and continue the survival of our species. However, once we grow past our reproductive prime, our hormone levels begin to drop leading to lesser urge for sex, insomnia, impotence, weight gain, and other numerous potential health problems that can decrease the quality of life we live.

So we see that our hormone system was designed primarily for reproduction for the survival of the species. As long as our bodies produce sufficient quantities of these enzymes and hormones, we stay young.  As we age past our prime reproductive years we are no longer capable of producing sufficient quantities of the enzymes and hormones required to keep our cells “young and fit.” This simply means that our cells will soon begin to lose their battles against the free radicals and other destructive elements that try to attack our bodies.

Our hormones decline with age but we can do something to either slow or reverse this decline. For instance, good nutrition can go far in keeping our hormones balanced and working properly. Just by cutting down on sugar intake and increasing our intake of a high protein diet, we might be able to keep our body running smoothly and maintain effective and healthy hormones in our bodies.

In today’s article, I will be sharing with you five tips you can adopt to keep your hormones young, healthy and effective.

  1.  A healthy hormone diet

A good hormone health diet is usually based on these 4 big factors:

Significantly reducing the intake of sugar, refined carbohydrates, caffeine, and alcohol as these are known to pose serious dangers to our blood sugar levels. Replace them with ‘green’ and ‘brown’ foods such as vegetables, brown rice, whole meals, Fiber, etc.

Fiber helps to normalize estrogen levels, however, if you’re already feeling the effects of estrogen dominance then try as much as possible to live a stress-free life as stress tends to increase the symptoms.

  1.  Engage in regular exercise

Engaging in physical activity can positively influence your hormonal health. This helps to improve the flow of blood to the muscles and increases hormone receptor sensitivity, which then enhances the delivery of nutrients and hormone signals. Exercise helps to reduce insulin levels and increase insulin sensitivity which is a major hormone that enables cells to take up sugar from the bloodstream to use for energy

Different types of physical activity have been found to help with insulin levels, exercises like HIIT (High-intensity interval training), strength training, cardio, and even simple exercises like regular walking. Exercise also helps boost levels of muscle-maintaining hormones like testosterone, IGF-1, DHEA, and HGH that decline with age.

  1. Maintain a balanced weight

Weight gain can be linked directly to hormonal imbalances which can be a result of complications in reproductive health and insulin sensitivity. Insulin resistance causes diseases like obesity while losing excess weight leads to improvements in insulin resistance which thereby reduces the risk of diabetes and heart diseases.

Eating balanced meals in the right calories and maintaining a balanced weight helps to maintain hormonal balance for longevity and great health

  1.  Reduce Stress

There are several ways through which stress harms our hormones. For instance, the hormone cortisol is known as the stress hormone because it helps the body cope with stress. Once the body comes under stress it responds by producing cortisol to help the body cope with the stress, however, once the stress condition passes the cortisol levels are supposed to return to normal.

Chronic stress causes cortisol levels to remain elevated, and this leads to increased appetite, increased craving for sugar and high-fat foods. Also, high cortisol levels lead to the production of excess glucose in the bloodstream which may cause insulin resistance.

  1. Get consistent, quality sleep

No matter how well-nourished and balanced our meals are or how consistent we are with our exercise routines, if we’re not getting enough restorative sleep, then we’re not functioning at optimal health.

Poor sleep leads to imbalances in hormone levels including insulin, leptin, cortisol, ghrelin, HGH, etc. For instance, sleep deprivation does not only impair insulin sensitivity but also leads to a 24-hour increase in cortisol levels, which may then cause insulin resistance.

Our brain needs uninterrupted sleep of at least 7 hours every night in order to go through all the five stages of each sleep cycle and maintain optimal hormonal balance. This helps with the release of growth hormone, which occurs mostly at night during our sleep time.

Our hormones are involved in every aspect of our health. We all need them in very specific amounts in our bodies if they’re to function optimally.

Although aging and other factors beyond our control may affect our hormone levels and health, there are several steps we can take to manage them.

Maintaining hormonal balances leads to a healthier, happier, better quality of life.

Let’s learn to live the best life we can live, it’s still the best strategy ever.

With Love and gratitude as always, Xo!

For more useful tips and resources on how you can improve your hormone health, you get a copy of my eBook. “How to Start from Zero” and discover more techniques you can adopt to improve the quality of life you live and thereby improve the health and effectiveness of your hormones.

 “How to Start from Zero”. It will show you to relieve stress and worry in your everyday lives and keep you in the best shape of your life by exposing you to so many ways to achieve healthy living depending on your lifestyle and taste.

There are secrets and ideas shared in this eBook that are very practical, relatable, and realistic. This eBook will show you how to easily adopt healthy lifestyle habits and get rid of the bad ones quickly.

Disclaimer: Please note that I am not your doctor while I am a health coach by profession. This article is for informational and educational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice nor does it establish any kind of medical relationship between you and me. I will not be held liable for any damage resulting from or related to your use of this information.