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5 Easy Ways to Reduce Stress

There seems to be no shortage of stress in our everyday lives these days. From getting the kids out of bed, preparing breakfast, taking the kids to school and bringing them back, doing work 8 – 9 hours daily, making dinner and doing other house chores, there’s hardly ever enough time to just sit, chill out and catch our breath so that we’re pumped up enough to be able to repeat the same routine all over again come the next day. 

However, before we proceed any further, let’s first of all look at the definition of stress.

Best Definition of Stress

For me, I think stress can best be defined as any type of change that causes physical, emotional, or psychological strain. Stress is our body’s way of responding to anything that requires attention or action.

So how do we reduce stress?

Easy & Real Ways to Reduce Stress 

Stress is almost inevitable in our world today and we should all be aware of it. While this awareness is required, it is also very important that we know some of the ways to reduce it. 

Ways like; creating goals, boundaries and practicing gratitude. But besides these ones that have been mentioned, here are my top five tips on how to reduce stress in our everyday lives:

  1. Remaining optimistic (AKA Stay Positive!)
    Being mindful always and keeping a positive attitude (this can be easier said than done) goes a long way in helping us ease stress and anxiety. The saying ‘mind over matter’ might sound a little bit cliche, but can have really deep implications when reflected upon.

    The thoughts in our head actually determine the impact that events and circumstances have on us and this can help us control negative and stressful outcomes. Take control of your thoughts, always keep a positive spirit and worry less about things you have little or no control over.

  2. Move your body in ways you enjoy
    Exercise is one of the most effective ways humans can use to manage stress and anxiety. Regular exercise helps reduce stress by boosting endorphins (our happy hormone) and lowering your cortisol levels (our stress hormone).

    Moving your body in ways you enjoy makes you feel better about yourself and can lead to better sleep patterns, improved moods, and productivity.

  3. Get Outside for some fresh air or be more in nature 
    Going outside and looking at the beautiful things in nature can improve one’s mood significantly. Breaks like these also present itself a great opportunity to meditate which helps to keep our mind sharp and highly focused.

    Without some downtime for your brain and body, stress and anxiety naturally builds up causing us to burn out faster, and leaving us with less motivation and energy to perform other tasks, thereby putting us under higher stress levels. It’s almost like an endless loop. 

  4. Prioritize Your Nutrition. 
    High sugar foods tend to leave us feeling strung out while fatty foods may cause feelings of fatigue. Grabbing a quick snack or eating processed, refined can also exacerbate anxiety in our bodies. It is usually healthier to eat well prepared, homemade meals which include high quality protein, whole grains and a variety of fresh vegetables that help to calm nerves and improve bodily functions.

    Eating a balanced diet helps to reduce stress levels overall and gives us the mental stamina to deal with the negative energy life throws at us. Always feed your stomach and not your heart. 

  5. Do your first task in the morning.One very effective way of combating stress throughout the day is to make sure to do the really important stuff first thing in the morning before you start getting distracted by all the other things struggling to get your attention. Mornings are usually the best time to complete tasks because this is when we have our greatest well of energy, focus and will power in the day.

    Also, getting important work done early helps you build positive momentum for the day and acts as a force multiplier for you through the rest of the day’s task.  Building and maintaining this positive energy tends to make work more enjoyable, therefore reducing the stress component in your daily tasks. 

Others stress relief activities to add to your daily routine include:

  1. Supplements: Several supplements exist out there that can relieve stress and anxiety in people 
  2. Light a candle. 
  3. Reduce your caffeine intake. 
  4. Write stuff down, things that may be causing you stress. 
  5. Spend time with friends and family. … 
  6. Enjoy a good laugh
  7. Diffuser Blends : One thing I usually do to relieve stress is to diffuse oils. Below are some of my favorite mixes:
    • 4 drops lavender
    • 2 drops cedarwood
    • 2 drops vetiver

Rest & Relax

  • 3 drops cedarwood
  • 3 drops patchouli
  • 2 drops chamomile

Why do we have to be conscious of living this way? Because they help us live better lives.

For instance, a very simple task such as making your bed first thing in the morning means you have already accomplished something for the day. This already sets you up to accomplish other smaller tasks throughout that day. 

Ever been in a position where you felt so much stress and pressure for an extended period of time? Do you remember how you felt during those times and what did you do to ease the pressure? You can share your thoughts and responses with us in the comments section below, we’ll be glad to receive them.

“I will not hesitate to do what I need to do.
I will accept what I cannot control.
With every deep breath I take. I feel myself becoming more calm.”

Meanwhile, you can subscribe to any one of our programs today so that you can start enjoying everyday, all round healthy living.

Take control of your mind today and ease out all the stress in your life – transform your life in just 30 days!

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