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Boost Your Strength To The Next Level

It would interest you to find out that there is actually a direct relationship between your energy levels and the amount of success you’re able to achieve.

How energetic you are is closely related to how successful you become in life, so having more vitality means being not just physically able to do more in life, but also to have the desire to take action, the drive to try new things, while also possessing the mental and emotional vigor.

Being in top shape at all times helps live more purposefully, helps you adapt easily, and helps you feel more fulfilled and accomplished in your everyday life.

These days there are a multitude of vitamins, herbs, and other supplements that are being sold to us as energy boosters but there’s little or no scientific evidence that these energy boosters and supplements actually work. 

Thankfully, there are several things you can do to enhance your own energy levels naturally without you having to break a bank. 

Top 5 Energy Boosting Tips

  1. Control Stress
    Stress-induced emotions take up huge amounts of our energy. Chatting with a friend or a family member, joining a support group, or seeing a psychotherapist can all help reduce stress. Relaxation therapies like meditation, self-hypnosis, and yoga are also effective tools for reducing stress and boosting your energy.
  2. Exercise regularly
    Regular exercise tremendously helps our sleep life and there’s no better way to refuel your energy than through getting enough rest. Exercise also gives our cells more energy to burn and circulates oxygen which leads to higher brain dopamine levels and also helps to uplift our moods.
  3. Eat Healthy
    Eating foods with a low glycemic index, which is foods whose sugars are absorbed slowly, tends to help our bodies avoid the lag in energy that typically occurs after eating foods with sugars that are quickly absorbed sugars or refined starches. These kinds of food include whole grains, high-fiber vegetables, nuts, and healthy oils such as olive oil etc. In general, high-carbohydrate foods have the highest glycemic indexes. Proteins and fats have glycemic indexes that are close to zero.
  4. Limit Alcohol intake
    One of the best ways to protect oneself against the midday sluggishness is to avoid alcohol intake during lunch. The sedative effect of alcohol is especially strong at midday. Likewise, if you’re looking to preserve some of your energy for the evening or night time, then you should avoid the early evening cocktails. If you’re going to have to take alcohol, do so in moderation at a time when you don’t mind having your energy wind down.
  5. Drink plenty of water
    Fluids keep your body hydrated; without them your body won’t function at its best. If your body is short of fluids, one of the first signs is a feeling of fatigue.

Other effects of not having enough fluid in your body include:

  • Your body temperature and heart rate may rise and your body can’t properly regulate heat.
  • You may not be able to think clearly – your motor control, decision-making abilities and concentration may be impaired.
  • Your body’s functions will be slowed down – this includes gastric emptying, so you may feel uncomfortable in your stomach.
  • Your will not perform optimally in sport or other forms of exercise

The solution is to drink enough water. Make fluid replacement a priority especially when you’re physically active.  Drinking enough water helps you to maintain your concentration and performance increase your endurance, and prevents excessive increases in heart rate and body temperature and generally keeps you healthier and more energetic.

The reason why we need to maintain these high levels of energy is so that we can keep letting out energies that are positive and attractive.

They help us develop inner strengths and traits that we can be proud of and frequently put into use and we’ll feel energized whenever we put them to use. Not only are you energized, but also others around us feel elevated when they experience you using these strengths.

Among the many tools that I have used with client in coach training programs, I’d suggest that rather than focusing on what you “do” best, it should rather be an assessment of who you are at your core. You’ll find some of these traits at www.authentichappiness.com

Which of these five traits resonate most with you?

a)      Bravery and valor
b)      Capacity to love and be loved
c)      Caution, prudence, and discretion
d)     Grit and self-control
e)      Creativity and imagination