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Eat Whole Foods

Let me guess; this is about the one hundredth, or maybe the one-thousandth time you’ve encountered this phrase through your healthy lifestyle journey? If you are someone with a keen interest in how you can improve your health and lifestyle through diet, then eating whole foods is a must if you’re going to achieve any meaningful results.

There are several reasons why eating healthy is important. When you eat whole foods, you’re helping your body avoid different kinds of diseases because it helps you solve the problem that many people face of not getting enough nutrients from their food to support an active lifestyle. The truth is that what most people eat these days is quite empty. Processed foods with no nutritional value and only offer lots of fat and other non-essential nutrients that the body does need much of.

Eating processed foods has become a core part of our society today and even children are taught to eat them at a very early stage. Personally, my childhood is filled with memories of bouts with different kinds of junk because like most kids my age then, those were our cravings. But as I grew older, I realized that these foods were more harmful than useful to our bodies. Even though I was a picky eater.

Many of the cancers that people pick up today can be traced back to eating refined foods. Refined foods contain excess sodium which in most cases plays a fundamental role in the development of hypertension. People who already have high blood pressure and continue to eat processed foods also run the risk of developing resistant hypertension and pushing their blood pressure even higher to very dangerous levels. It’s just a pity that most people don’t stop for a second to think about the long-term effects of some of the things they eat.

Eating healthy is more than something we do or some act or ceremony we get to perform often; it’s something we become. It’s a lifestyle choice that we consistently need to make every day until those habits become ingrained in us as part of who we are. It might be difficult to maintain at first, but after some time (especially when the positive results start to kick in) what most people begin to discover is that a diet lifestyle that is composed mainly of whole foods is the best way to go for overall health and wellbeing.

So what are whole foods and what is the best way to include them into your food choices?

Whole foods are exactly what they sound like; “Whole foods”. They are foods that have not been changed, added to, processed or refined; you practically get them in the same state as they were grown.

Although organic ones are the preferred choice, whole foods do not automatically mean organic foods. Examples include; raw fruits, vegetables, nuts, whole grains, fresh fish, legumes, shellfish, and lean meats like chicken and turkey are also considered whole foods. There are other meats that can be considered as whole foods, but for the best diet lifestyle choice, it’s usually best to stay away from meat as much as you can or even completely if you can.

Eating whole foods every day is not as difficult as you think, it just takes a little bit more time and planning. By taking the extra time to plan ahead, you will eat better, feel better and lose unwanted weight. When you start to eat healthily, it won’t take long for you to begin to feel the difference. With only a little planning, you can make big changes to your diet lifestyle and live a healthier life. Just remember, they have to be fresh and whole; no additives, no preservatives, and no chemical induced processing.

One fact to keep in mind is that it is practically impossible for foods to sit on shelves for days unending without the use of chemicals and preservatives. So just in case you’re in a hurry and you need to grab a bite to eat, why not grab an apple, or a bag of carrots, instead of reaching for that already processed snack or food from your local grocery store or favorite fast-food restaurant.

The decision to only eat foods that are all-natural and nourishing to the body takes some effort and dedication, however, if your body is ever going to obtain the necessary nutrients it needs to thrive optimally, then eating whole foods is the only way to ensure that happens.

Many years ago, when most of the processing methods we have today were not developed, people ate foods that they could get from the land, and the meat they ate was from their hunt while the fish was from the local lakes and rivers. We could say that this was eating in its purest state. Foods were seasoned using local herbs that were found nearby. There were no canned goods or pre-packaged meals. People ate foods that were tilled or plucked from the Earth and were very healthy as a result of doing so. These eating habits of our ancestors’ are proof of the power that resides in adopting a whole foods lifestyle.

If you’re ever interested in changing your diets so as to achieve a healthier lifestyle for the long term, then you should consider more whole foods and less processed ones.

Eating whole foods is the only true way for your body to obtain the nutrients it needs to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

“Whole food nutrition allows the body to use its built-in restorative ability and will assist the body capacity to heal itself.”
“You are what you eat”
“Don’t focus on how much you eat. Focus on what you eat”

With Much Love and Respect as always! Xo!

Are you interested in learning more about whole foods and other diet options you can adopt to achieve a healthier you? Then you should be on the lookout for my soon-to-be-released eBook;  “How to Start from Zero”. This eBook will help you glean deep insights, uncover new information about foods, diets, recipes, and steps you can take to achieve healthier eating and lifestyle habits.

My eBook offers you a proven framework for improving your health and wellness every day using your diet. No matter your health goals, this eBook distills in very practical terms; strategies that will teach you how to adopt healthy lifestyle habits and get rid of the bad ones.

 “How to Start from Zero” provides its readers with a practical guide on how to set realistic and achievable goals as well as steps to take to make sure you’re not overwhelmed with the process. There are numerous ideas and examples to draw from to help you in your process. 

I guarantee it would be of great help to you. 

Disclaimer: Please note that I am not your doctor while I am a health coach by profession. This article is for informational and educational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice nor does it establish any kind of medical relationship between you and me. I will not be held liable for any damage resulting from or related to your use of this information.