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DIY Acne Scrub

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Acne can appear at any time on anyone, youngster or adult, as small pimples, painful lumps, or generalized redness. Most commonly acne indicates the presence of inflammation in the body presented on the skin as pimples. The origins of acne can be direct cause and effect, or they can be elusive and challenging to treat. The things to investigate are skin cleanliness, liver function efficiency, hormonal imbalance, bowel toxicity, lymphatic congestion, and nutrient insufficiency. I also consider the emotional well-being of the person suffering from acne.

Highly stressful times can lead to chronic inflammation and acne. From the emotional energetic perspective, low self-esteem can also increase acne. Supporting liver function can help clear toxins from the body and blood and help balance the hormones, which all can cause an over-accumulation of wastes in the body if they are under-functioning.

As a result, the skin’s cleansing capabilities are recruited to draw out impurities through the surface. In my practice, I have learned it is a combination of Self-care: Food, Hydration and, Hormonal balance. All of the components are important to keep your skin with herbal products base. It is like Love and Hate. Cardio & lifting weight. Here is one of my fav Acne Wash.

LAVENDER FLOWER: antibacterial properties that help to kill acne-inducing bacteria and clogged pores. By unclogging pores and reducing inflammation.

ROSE PETALS: The natural oils found in roses help retain moisture in the skin. This results in your skin feeling smooth and soft. The sugars in rose petals especially benefit those with sensitive skin. A rich source of vitamin C rose petal paste makes for beautiful, shiny glowing skin.

CHICKWEED HERB: Chickweed can soothe your skin and help relieve eczema, acne, and psoriasis—and has even been said to help with the appearance of wrinkles. When consumed, chickweed has some laxative properties, so it’s a great natural solution if you’re feeling a little backed up.

DIY Acne Scrub

Recipe by Glennys MarquezCourse: DIY



  • Add 4 tablespoons of the combined blend to 1-pint water, steep for 1 hour. Bathe the affected area in the wash for 20 minutes. Alternatively, splash the herbal wash onto your face repeatedly for about 2 minutes, or douse the area with a saturated cotton ball.

Helpful Tools for Treating Acne

Hydration contributes to many health conditions, including acne. Without proper water intake, your body can not properly flush wastes. For proper hydration, drink half of your body weight in ounces each day. For example, if you weigh 140 pounds, drink 70 ounces of water each day.

Exercise regularly. Although you may think sweating worsens acne, it is important for cleansing the blood and opening up channels to rease toxicity. Follow the anti-inflammatory dietary guidelines to reduce overall inflammation. Check with your dr for deficiency of vitamins. Topically apply juniper essential oil in an olive aoil base to trouble spots.