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Heart Health 101: All About Cardiovascular Fitness

  • Wellness

Cardiovascular fitness is a very important part of people’s overall health because unlike other types of exercise, cardiovascular fitness increases the ability of the heart, lungs, and blood vessels to provide oxygen rich blood to your muscles as they work, and they also help to remove waste products.

The energy needed to promote an active lifestyle is derived from the body’s improved ability to use oxygen effectively. Cardiovascular fitness carries with it many benefits, for both everyday health and for medical reasons. A well-functioning cardiovascular system is essential for maintaining energy levels, preventing disease, and promoting longevity. By performing some cardiovascular exercises a few times a week, an individual can increase their own longevity by a few years.

At the center of the cardiovascular system is the heart. The heart plays a vital role in pumping blood throughout the body. Blood carries oxygen and nutrients to the cells, and removes waste products, such as carbon dioxide. The heart is a muscle, and like any muscle, it needs to be exercised to stay strong and healthy. This is where cardiovascular fitness comes in.

Cardiovascular exercise is any activity that raises the heart rate and increases blood flow to the muscles. Examples include jogging, running, cycling, swimming, dancing, Burpees, Hiking, Golfing, HIIT, and even brisk walking. When the heart beats faster and harder, it becomes stronger, and the blood vessels become more efficient at delivering oxygen and nutrients to the body’s cells. Regular cardiovascular exercise can also help to lower blood pressure, reduce the risk of heart disease, and improve overall health and well-being.

The great thing about cardiovascular exercises is that they can be almost anything and in addition, they can be done anywhere. If you are the type of person that loves the great outdoors, you’ll find lots of activities you can perform to help your heart’s health. If you are the type of person that is introverted by nature and prefers to stay indoors, then that’s not a problem either.

Cardiovascular exercise is described as any activity rhythmic in nature that is done consistently for a designated amount of time. Whether you prefer to use equipment found at the local gym or prefer to do it free hand, there is a cardio program out there for you.

The possibilities are endless when it comes to cardio workouts. Depending on what kinds of activities you enjoy, you can turn it into a cardio exercise. Some people usually get hung up on what the best kinds of cardiovascular exercise are, but the fact of the matter is that they are all good. The most important thing is to make sure that whatever you choose to do is intense. Intensity pressures your body to grow and adapt, which promotes physical changes.

In addition to regular cardiovascular exercise, there are other things you can do to improve your heart health. These include:

  • Eating a healthy diet that is low in saturated and trans fats, and high in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein.
  • Maintaining a healthy weight.
  • Not smoking.
  • Limiting alcohol consumption.
  • Managing stress.
  • Getting enough sleep.

If you are new to exercising, it’s important to start slowly and gradually increase the intensity and duration of your workouts. Consult with your doctor before starting any new exercise program, particularly if you have any known health conditions or risk factors for heart disease.

By way of summary and in conclusion, cardiovascular fitness is essential for:

  1. Maintaining energy levels
  2. Preventing disease
  3. Promoting longevity
  4. Improves heart health
  5. Lowers blood pressure, and
  6. Reduces the risk of heart disease.

Poor cardiovascular fitness is a strong predictor of being at risk of dying. It is as significant as smoking, high blood pressure, obesity, and diabetes. On top of that poor cardiovascular fitness exacerbates the effects of other factors. For example, if you have low cardiovascular fitness, you increase your risk of developing hypertension soon.

It’s important to consult with your doctor before starting any new exercise program. Additionally, maintaining a healthy diet, keeping a healthy weight, not smoking, limiting alcohol consumption, managing stress, and getting enough sleep are also important factors that contribute to overall heart health. Incorporating a healthy lifestyle, regular exercise and monitoring of heart health can help ensure that your heart stays strong and healthy for many years to come.

Remember to take good care of your heart

It’s never too late to start taking steps to improve your cardiovascular fitness.

With Love and gratitude as always, Xo!

There are several other steps you can take to promote your heart health. Get to learn more about the different cardiovascular exercises (indoors and outdoors) which you can adopt to help you get started on your cardio routine when you purchase a copy of my eBook. “How to Start from Zero”  

This book relays in very practical terms, exercise routines and guidelines you can adopt as well beyond exercise to help you improve your cardiovascular fitness. “How to Start from Zero” also provides you with numerous lifestyle adjustments one can consider in the new year to get you started and moved towards a better version of yourself.

Get a copy of my eBook. “How to Start from Zero” and discover lots of ideas and health tips distilled in very practical, relatable, and realistic terms that will show you how to adopt healthy lifestyle habits and get rid of the bad ones fast and easy.

You can click the link below to get a copy of the e-book for yourself. 

Disclaimer: Please note that I am not your doctor while I am a health coach by profession. This article is for informational and educational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice nor does it establish any kind of medical relationship between you and me. I will not be held liable for any damage resulting from or related to your use of this information.