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Saving Money from Gym Membership and Costs (Setting up a Home Gym)

There is a huge misconception out there that in order for one to get in shape, the first thing he or she needs to do is to register with a local gym. While joining a gym isn’t a bad thing, in today’s economic times, this could be an extra expense that most people may not be able to afford.

The good news however is that you do not need to join a gym in order to get in shape. Gyms can be classified as luxuries and not necessities when it comes to getting or staying fit. They are convenient and offer a variety of exercise equipment, but you can get the same workout done, right at home, and save hundreds of dollars in fees per year.

Secondly, having a home gym is one of the best ways to keep your workouts consistent. Factors that might stop you from exercising such as traffic, bad weather and crowded gyms would no longer be a problem for you.

Lastly, designing your own gym ensures that your workout space is custom made for you as an individual. Everything you like to do, all of the equipment you need will be within the accessible comfort of your own home. You can do a big work out a few times a week, or a little bit of here and there whenever you have a moment to spare.

The idea of having a gym at home has become very common in many homes these days. So many youths and adults these days have home-made gyms where they do their work outs and you don’t have to break a bank in order to get this done.  

In this blog, I’ll share with you some steps you can take in order to build your own home gym with little or no money. Trust me; even if you end up spending money, it will be nothing compared to the huge registration and periodic renewal fees you’ll have to part with while registering with a local gym.

  1. Carve out a dedicated space in your home
    The first thing when trying to build a home gym is to carve out a dedicated area in your home that will serve as the gym space. Make sure that whatever space you choose to carve out will be dedicated only for gym purposes and nothing else. Get rid of all the clutter or anything that might become a source of distraction for you within that space.
  1.  Get yourself in tune with your gym space
    Tune yourself in with your work out area and make sure that you’re very comfortable in that space. Its design and its feel will most likely play a huge role in how warm and cozy the gym eventually becomes for you. The presence of music, paintings, pictures etc. within the workout area can help you stay motivated through your workout sessions. Also see to it that the lighting in the area is good and it’s also a good idea to have a mirror there.

    You can also write notes like your workout goals or your motivation for setting up a home gym in the first place and have it pasted on the wall so they can help keep you motivated.  
  1. Invest in Floor Pads
    The condition of the floor area in your home gym plays a very huge art in the success of every workout session. Using the right materials to pad your floors will help protect you from fractures or injuries and will also make you feel more comfortable while you work out. Pads help the foot, and they reduce the impact of the routine on our joint and the body altogether.
  1. Hire the best Gym Instructor
    You might be wondering to yourself saying; “I guess it’s not that free after all”. But whoever said you were going to have to pay for it? Yes you heard me, with all the numerous options you can find online today, you wouldn’t need to spend a dime to find quality, professional gym instructors who are more than willing to offer their services to you for free. You can refer to this link here to find out some of the best home workout streaming services available online

    YouTube is probably one of the best places to find most of them, you’ll find tons of instructional videos that can help you achieve your workout goal. There are also several other applications on iOS and Android that have been pre-installed with different workout routines and voices that will help make the most out of your workout session.

    You can also choose to opt for paid service platforms here the services will most likely be much more tailored to your work out needs and goals.  
  1. Use your own body weight
    Save money on buying large gym equipment by making use of your own body weight as the primary tool for your exercise routines. You can check out videos about chair digs, lunges, push-ups, and many more body weight exercises that can help you achieve the most out of every work out session. This will help you save money on purchasing large gym equipment.
  1. Make your own weight
    What about the idea of making your own weight? Yes, there are many everyday objects which you can use to build your own gym. You can get empty containers with tight lids and fill them up with water, sand or stones whichever gives you your preferred weight option. Many also choose to make use of cements to mold their dumbbells and weights.

    You can then start by lifting them up to build your muscles and adjusting its content to reflect different weight options. You can also research tips on how you can design these weights so they are closely related to the industrially designed ones.     
  1. Invest in small gym equipment
    This may be the point where you’ll have to part with a little of your resources. Spending a little to obtain a few equipment in order to add to the fun of your workout routines is just so you do not compromise on the success of your home gym. Items like skipping ropes, tummy trimmers, foam rollers, yoga mats and many more little but essential items. These items do not all add to the beauty of your home gym, but they are also very productive and not very expensive.

However for those who are still interested in joining a local gym maybe for the social value it provides or for any other reason apart from its huge cost implications, here are a few tips on how you can still save money while paying for gym membership

  1. Join with a Friend or Family Member.
  2. Request a trial membership.
  3. Join at the end of the month.
  4. Ask for a Work Discount.
  5. Spy on Personal Training Sessions.
  6. Offer to Pay a Few Months Upfront.
  7. Ask for a Military, Teacher, or Senior Citizen Discount.
  8. Ask for a Student Discount.

 In Summary, you do not have to spend a fortune in order for you to stay fit and healthy. The option of a home gym offers a lot of things that health clubs do not give you – privacy, convenience and a comfortable place that has less distractions.

When designing a home gym for your fitness routine, always keep in mind your needs and goals. You may also have to part with some of your resources in order to achieve a more comfortable and appealing work out space. As long as your home gym can meet these requirements, you’ll always look forward to an inspiring workout at your home gym.

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