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Benefits of getting a Health Coach

  • Wellness

Health coaches are gaining more and more popularity these days. More people are finding it increasingly useful to hire a professional partner who will guide them on the path to becoming better versions of themselves.

Some people still mistake a health coach as a shrink that you hire to be open about your thoughts and feelings about your body, your relationship with food and your hang-ups with dieting. But the fact is, a Health Coach is all that and much more. They are well-trained specialists who have devoted their life and time to practice and study how best to help other people become more effective in life and guide them through that path by challenging and motivating them to not settle for anything less than the best versions of themselves.

If you are struggling with your weight loss and struggling with keeping your health in check at the same time, then you should seriously start considering hiring a trainer that would get you from where you are to where you’d like to be. A good coach would be able to motivate you to make and stick to those hard decisions you may have been putting off for a while now. Decisions that may involve a change in the diet, an increase in activity level, implementing stress reduction techniques or maybe incorporating some visits to a chiropractor or massage therapist.

A Health Coach can help her clients set up desirable goals and provide suggestions and the inspiration to help them achieve these goals. In addition, a Health Coach can assess their clients’ areas of strength and weakness. These types of assessments are usually helpful both before and after an exercise workout to measure changes in general fitness and overall performance. The key here is the wellness coach gets down and dirty and takes the time to really understand the patient’s needs. They help the patient actively engage and motivate them to push to their goals.

A Health Coach tends to also teach their clients numerous other aspects of health and wellness apart from exercise and diet, like the practice of meditation, journaling and other mind techniques that can help you stay motivated and empowered to live a happy and a fulfilled life. Often a Health coach can help patients make changes in their overall health that might eliminate the need for medication. A Health Coach works with clients to achieve overall health success across six key areas. Namely, physical, spiritual, occupational, emotional, social, and mental. The idea is that when our lives are out of balance in one of these areas, it tends to imbalance the others.

Top 5 reasons why anyone would need a Health Coach include:

  1. Motivation

One of the main benefits of hiring a Health Coach is the type of motivation they can provide to their clients who are struggling with starting or maintaining their drive to achieve their set goals. Coaches tend to provide you with endless doses of motivational words of wisdom and events, stories picked up from their actual experiences that can fire anyone up to achieve great results. In addition, if you are having issues or feeling that a breakdown is happening, a Health Coach is also available for immediate calls and reality checks that will help you bounce back on the right track with greater ease.

  1. Challenge

Who’s up for the challenge, are you? Another unique thing about having a Health Coach is that they also know how to create unique challenges that also serve as a tool to help their clients achieve quicker and better results. By working through these challenges which can sometimes be fun too, you get to achieve results in smaller its which when added over time accumulates to help you achieve your overall goals and desires.

  1. Accountability

One of the most important aspects of having a health coach is the fact that they will help you stick with your plans. Having a partner you’re accountable to will help you achieve most of your health goals. Not only will a coach develop the strategies you must implement to become healthier, but they will also stick with you to make sure you are following through with the plans and ensure you achieve the results even if it means they need to constantly check up on you to ensure you’re following through.

  1. Tracking

Another great benefit about having a coach is the fact that they can help to measure the impact of your choices and decisions as well as track the progress you’re making with them along the way. With a health coach though, you’ll have someone analyzing the strategies you’re adopting to make sure they’re effective. A health coach will even track the amount of progress you are making towards your goals each week, and this is extremely important when you are trying to achieve a specific goal.

  1. Other self-care Practices

Some Health coaches are also licensed to practice certain types of relaxation techniques like Reiki, Acupuncture and meditations that aid in calming your mind, body, and spirit. When meditation is done by a life coach, chances are you can release negativities from your body and are once again motivated to continue transforming your health for the better.

A Health Coach can provide the support, accountability, and motivation needed for anyone to keep track of all their health goals. You don’t have to be dealing with a serious illness before you require the services of a Health Coach, in fact hiring one while you’re hale, and hearty will help to ensure you’re a lifetime away from any serious sickness or life-threatening disease.

Five top reasons you should get a Health Coach right away include:

  1. Motivation
  2. Challenge
  3. Accountability
  4. Tracking and
  5. Other self-care Practices

Achieve your goals, get things done

If you need an extra push to see your desires come through, then it’s totally worth it

With Love and gratitude as always, Xo!

For useful and practical tips on how to set goals, monitor and re-evaluate your progress and achieve maximum results with all your goals and aspirations

You can get a copy of my eBook.  “How to Start from Zero” and discover a proven framework for improving your health and wellness every day. No matter your health goals, this eBook distills in very practical terms; strategies that will teach you how to adopt healthy lifestyle habits and get rid of the bad ones.

 “How to Start from Zero” provides its readers with a practical guide on how to set realistic and achievable goals as well as steps to take to make sure you’re not overwhelmed with the process. There are numerous ideas and examples to draw from to help you in your process. 

You can click the link below to get a copy of the e-book for yourself

Disclaimer: Please note that I am not your doctor while I am a health coach by profession. This article is for informational and educational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice nor does it establish any kind of medical relationship between you and me. I will not be held liable for any damage resulting from or related to your use of this information.