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Sugar Addiction Series: How to do a Proper Sugar Detox

  • Wellness

A good detox plan is a welcome idea especially when the body is functioning properly. The main point of a detox is to purify the liver, intestines, colon, and to get rid of all the bad toxins which have built up within the body systems for years. There are several reasons why we should detoxify, for example indigestion, constipation, irritable bowel syndrome, and even bloating. The best detox plan would be one that helps to resolve all these issues, and aids in weight loss at the same time.

However, to narrow it down a little, the not-so-sweet truth is that the massive intake of sugar in our society today has become a real cause for concern as it has become one of the main factors of so many of chronic disease like heart disease, cancer, dementia, obesity, type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, depression, and even acne, infertility, and impotence. Just like drug addiction, sugar causes a food addiction in some people, making it very difficult to stop. Addictive drugs cause neurochemical changes in the brain, which reinforce those addictive behaviors. Similarly, sugar has been shown to stimulate the brain’s reward centers through the neurotransmitter dopamine, thereby eliciting the same type of reaction.

Why Detox?

Almost everyone can benefit from a well thought through detox plan. Detoxification helps your body get rid of all the impurities that are in the blood and liver, as these are the main areas that processes toxins for elimination.

A detox plan requires that you starve the body of those foods and toxins that it is used to getting. A good detox plan works primarily through making certain dietary changes to help the body heal and flush the body out, so that all the toxic substances can be eliminated through the urine, sweat and bowel movements. By performing a healthy detox plan, you can ensure a healthier metabolism and overall health profile.

How to Detox from Sugar

If you’re looking to reset your body and detox from the harmful effects of sugar, then a combination of all or some of the guidelines below would go a long way in helping you achieve those goals.

  1. Eliminate all processed foods from your diet

The best way to detox from sugar is to “quit cold turkey” i.e., get rid of those potentially toxic foods immediately and completely, rather than trying to read through the food labels of every food item you want to buy. There are a variety of names for many of the common forms of sugar and it can take forever to sift through foods by reading labels, so just commit to eating fresh, whole foods and nothing else. Ideally, for 10 days you should avoid any foods that comes in a box, package, a can or with a label, and stick to real, whole, fresh food. In addition, you can also choose to stay away from all types of grains within that same period if you want to achieve better results.

  1. Drink lots of water

Any type of liquid sugar is worse than solid food with sugar because liquid sugar enters the bloodstream faster. Sugary beverages like soda and sports drink don’t satisfy the body. Further, the energy they provide only lasts for a short period of time. While detoxing, make sure to avoid fruit juices, soda, sports drinks, and sweetened teas and coffees. Rather, drink plenty of water because thirst can also be responsible for sugar cravings. Drinking lots of water also helps the liver to function optimally and produce glycogen. When your body is dehydrated, it is much harder for the liver to produce glycogen, thereby leading to more sugar cravings.

  1. Get enough sleep

Sleep helps the body to rejuvenate and rebuild. Not getting enough sleep affects the appetite hormones which also leads to sugar and carb cravings. Lack of sufficient sleep also affects one’s energy level throughout the day and to compensate for the lack of energy, most people tend to consume beverages and overly caffeinated drinks that contain high levels of sugar. Getting 7-9 hours of sleep each night is the best way to fight against the impulse to overeat or fuel your body with excess sugar.

  1. Eat a protein-rich breakfast daily

In the mornings, our bodies may crave sweets due to the low carb levels and high insulin levels that result from fasting overnight. To fight this craving, it’s important to fuel your body with plenty of protein and high-quality fats. Nutrient-dense breakfast helps to keep the body feeling full for an extended period and provides the nutrients it needs to function optimally.

  1. Prepare your own healthy snacks

When you are on the go, especially when traveling, you don’t want to be caught up in an emergency, where you’re hungry and without health-conscious foods. You want to avoid the temptation of walking into airport food courts, to quench your hunger. Hence, it’s better to always have prepared snacks filled with nuts, plant seeds, or fruits like bananas or apples for a quick snack when you’re hungry.

A sugar detox is a great way to reset the body and improve your overall health. Although it may seem tough at the beginning, you’ll find at the end that it was worth it once you see that the addiction is gone.

Remember to keep these 5 tips in mind.

  1. Get rid of all processed foods from your home
  2. Drink plenty of water
  3. Get enough sleep
  4. Eat protein-rich breakfast and
  5. Prepare your own snacks

Commit to this routine and do it repeatedly (maybe 4 to 6 times in a year) and watch all the body’s excess sugar and unhealthy cravings get expelled away from your system with greater ease.

Making healthy food choices is not an option, it’s a must.

Live Healthy. Be Happy

With Love and gratitude as always, Xo!

Rewire Your Brain & Create Habits That Will Change Your Cravings, And Body Forever by getting a copy of my new Ebook.  “Wholesomely Sugar-Free Cookbook” and discover amazing recipes you can adopt to give a Sugar-Free detox plan that will help get rid of the sugar in your system and its cravings.

 “Wholesomely Sugar-Free Cookbook” would act as your 7-day sugar detox guide and companion for all things healthy, wholesome, and sugar-free whenever you decide to go on a sugar detox plan.

From the very first day of the detox plan, you’ll be surprised to learn about numerous food recipes that are healthy and nutritious which would help to eliminate toxins in the body and reverse all your sugar cravings.

Finally, a collection of simplified meal plans that will help you eat less and less of sugar 

You can click the link below to get a copy of the e-book for yourself

Disclaimer: Please note that I am not your doctor while I am a health coach by profession. This article is for informational and educational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice nor does it establish any kind of medical relationship between you and me. I will not be held liable for any damage resulting from or related to your use of this information.