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Why say no to a restrictive diet (It slows down your metabolism)

  • Wellness

Why say no to a restrictive diet (It slows down your metabolism)

Food is primarily still composed of three basic components; fats, carbohydrates, and proteins. These can of course be broken down further into complex carbohydrates, simple carbohydrates, essential fats and oils, fiber, complex and essential amino acids, and many other components. However, even with all of this, the basic understanding is that all foods contain calories and they are basically constant. This is what forms the basis for many restrictive diets. Limit the amount of food you eat so as to lower your overall caloric intake.

Our bodies are wired by default to fight starvation and maintain survival. For instance, if you’re ever in a situation where your body lacks access to food, the body would slow down its many normal daily functions, thereby slowing down your resting metabolic rate. You would also notice a decrease in energy level, further reducing the body’s demand for food energy. The body wants to survive so the metabolism slows down.

Why is this important to a dieter? Well, once you’re on a restrictive diet, you’ll achieve fat loss for the first two to three weeks (maybe), depending on the extent of restriction. Then your metabolism will slow down, and reset, to match the number of calories being consumed, so as not to burn too many. The problem however is with rebound weight gain.

Once you change your eating habits or start eating “normally” again, the additional calories you take in will lead to fat gain again, since the metabolism has previously been set for the lower caloric intake. The body will store the additional energy as fat first because of the survival instinct, thereby reversing whatever gains you’ve made previously. So, a diet that restricts you to a set number of calories for an extended period of time will result in a fat loss at first but then a slowing of the metabolism will only negate the benefits you’re expecting to derive from the restrictive dieting.

Another concern with restrictive dieting is the high tendency to eliminate the wrong foods and only eat foods that are nutrient-sparse. That is why this type of diet lifestyle promotes the use of supplements. Many dieters are led to believe that because their calories are restricted that they are lacking essential nutrients hence the need to augment with supplements. So if you’re going to adopt a restrictive diet, you should at least make sure that you eat foods that are of the highest biological quality, which provide you with all the important nutrients and antioxidants your body needs.

It’s clear by now that diet restriction can result in a reverse effect, from its intended purpose. When a person is on a very restrictive diet, say with carbohydrates, the body shuts down its natural testosterone production. A similar thing also happens when a person restricts fat intake. Low amounts of dietary fat reduce testosterone production. The lower the fat intake level, the lower your testosterone production is going to be. Protein restrictive diets on the other hand decrease Growth Hormone production, while excessive protein intake decreases testosterone levels.

If however, you’re bent on restrictive dieting the most important point to note as mentioned earlier is to eat foods that are nutrient-dense. This means eating foods with a lot of nutrition packed into every morsel, including plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables. This also includes salads, high fiber foods, and complex starches, such as brown rice and whole grain bread and like in my case gluten-free bread, focusing most on low glycemic index foods. And make sure to eat more Whole food. 

Below is a short list of specific tips you should adopt when considering restrictive dieting:

  1. Eat a lot of vegetables, of all kinds.

These foods contain the highest content of a wide variety of nutrients for the number of calories they deliver.

  1. Select the right amount of protein to eat.

Understand how much protein your body needs to function optimally. For instance, it is recommended to stick to the RDI range of 0.6-0.8 grams per kg of body weight i.e. for someone weighing 150 pounds, your protein needs would be around 41 to 55 grams of protein per day. Most people eat much more than this, so calculate how much protein your body needs and what that converts to in food terms and stick to it.

  1. Choose your protein type carefully.

Pay attention to the kind of protein you eat. This is very important whether or not you’re on a diet. The more plant-based proteins you eat, the healthier your body is. Examples of plant-based proteins include legumes products, nuts, beans, etc. Combining vegetables with healthy starches will ensure you get complete proteins.

  1. Eat healthy, plant-based fats.

Foods containing healthy, plant-based fats include olive oil, coconut and Avo oils, nuts, and avocados. It is important to remember that fat is a high source of calories, so be sure to limit your fat intake.

  1. Avoid simple sugars and processed flour.

The less processed the foods, the more natural and more nutritious they are.

Restrictive dieting isn’t for everyone, and there may be certain aspects of it that appeal to you and others that repel you. The write-up is however aimed at providing you with the information you need to understand what restrictive dieting is all about and help you make the right decision.

Remember, if you must restrict your diet then you should adopt the following 5 tips listed below;

  1. Eat lots of vegetables
  2. Eat the right amounts of protein
  3. Eat the right types of protein
  4. Eat healthy plant-based fats
  5. Avoid simple sugars and processed flour.

A good diet plan should focus on the foods and how they can be combined to work with your body, not against it.

Food is not the enemy. Use it properly and a healthy mind and body are almost guaranteed.

With Love and gratitude as always, Xo! 

For more useful tips and resources on how to make healthy food choices and boost your body’s metabolism and physical health, get a copy of my eBook. “How to Start from Zero” and discover more steps you can take to improve your food choices and your overall health in general.  

“How to Start from Zero”. will show you to be in the best physical and emotional shape of your life,  teach you valuable tips and lessons you can share with other people, and help them improve their lives also. You will also be exposed to several other ways to achieve healthy living that suits your lifestyle and taste.

There are secrets and ideas shared in this eBook that are very practical, relatable, and realistic. This eBook will show you how to easily adopt healthy lifestyle habits and get rid of the bad ones quickly. 

You can click the link below to get a copy of the e-book for yourself

Disclaimer: Please note that I am not your doctor while I am a health coach by profession. This article is for informational and educational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice nor does it establish any kind of medical relationship between you and me. I will not be held liable for any damage resulting from or related to your use of this information.