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The Garlic Lovers

Anyone who knows me knows that I love garlic. As much as I can, I try to include them in my meals or drinks because I’m well aware of the abundant benefits associated with them. And before you start imagining things let me quickly tell you to hold that thought because despite all the garlic that I take; I don’t smell like garlic but we’ll probably get to how I’m able to achieve that later. For now, let’s just dwell on the benefits of one of nature’s most potent antibiotics.

So what’s not to love about garlic? Not when it contains one of the world’s most powerful antioxidants known as Allicin. This is the organic compound in garlic which gives it its unique aroma and flavor.

For centuries, garlic has been known to be a major ingredient in natural home treatments, it can also be used as a flavor in our meals not to mention its numerous health advantages. In fact, if only we were more aware of the benefits obtainable from regularly eating garlic, I’m sure we wouldn’t mind the not-so-fresh aftertaste or unpleasant odor normally associated with it, especially when that can be managed.  I know I’m not the only one who feels this way, especially considering the frequent testimonies I keep hearing about garlic being perhaps the most powerful herb for heart health.

Through history, garlic is known to be very effective in preventing almost every kind of ailment, including headache, toothache, wounds, sores, infections, constipation, fatigue, cough, cold, asthma, tuberculosis, epilepsy, smallpox, jaundice, eczema, scurvy, impotence, hysteria, intestinal worms, insect bites, and even anthrax in cattle. It has also been used as a means of detecting pregnancy, used as a cure for baldness and as a remedy for snake bites. So we can say that in the world of herbal medicine; Garlic rules. It is also known to be very effective in lowering blood pressure, improving healing, and soothing inflammation.

As a food, I don’t think there’s any culture in the world today that doesn’t eat it, even in places like Japan and England where it was previously despised.  It’s probable that one of the reasons why garlic has gained this universal acceptance is because of its wide-ranging versatility as it can be eaten raw, boiled, sautéed, roasted, or fried. It serves as an excellent flavoring for poultry, fish and other seafood, meat and even plain vegetables.

Garlic can be found in marinades used for American barbecue or Indonesian satay. You’ll also find them in Chinese and other Southeast Asian stir-fried dishes. Garlic can also be used to enhance the flavor of chicken, beef, lamb, or pork while roasting. It can be cooked as part of ingredients in a stew or boiled on its own to make Spanish garlic soup (Sopa de ajo).

Sauces and dips like hummus and guacamole can be mixed with finely sliced raw garlic. Garlic butter can also serve as an excellent garnish for almost anything, ranging from steak and pasta or French bread. What about the idea of garlic chips with a bowl of congee?

Garlic is as much an essential ingredient of Indian and Korean cuisines too. Relish its taste in light salads or in heavy meat dishes. Over there, pasta and pizza are almost unimaginable without garlic as well as with rice dishes like the paella. The same can also be said about a whole range of dishes from Mexico and other parts of South America.

As for its peculiar odor, here’s one tip I would quickly share with you; the longer garlic cooks, the milder its smell becomes so you might want to keep that in mind. Drink some red wine with your meal to mask the smell of garlic on your breath. Alternatively, you can make use of breath mints to get rid of the smell, after all, that’s why they were invented in the first place.

We are all encouraged to eat more garlic either raw, cooked, sliced, crushed, or in the form of capsules. It appears that Garlic can work wonders within the human body. With all the herbs and spices known to man, none has been revered and reviled as the garlic. It is even known to repel insects when sprayed on or grown among infected plants. Now don’t you think that’s a miracle?

Stay healthy at all cost necessary

It’s definitely cheaper than the cost of trying to regain lost health

 With Much Love and Respect as always! Xo!

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Disclaimer: Please note that I am not your doctor while I am a health coach by profession. This article is for informational and educational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice nor does it establish any kind of medical relationship between you and me. I will not be held liable for any damage resulting from or related to your use of this information.