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How to Implement Your Goals

Goal setting and goal accomplishment for most people is really a big deal. Even as a health coach (Myself) whose job involves helping others set and achieve their life goals; I still struggle with it sometimes. Although I have since learnt a few tricks that have helped me get better along the way (which hopefully, I’ll share some of it with you today), however I still believe that for anyone who is constantly aspiring to greater heights in life, accomplishing goals would still pose some challenges to the individual. After all, if it was that easy, then everybody would be doing it.

How I wish there was a very easy and effortless way that guarantees one to achieve all their set goals in life! Unfortunately, there isn’t. You’re going to have to put in the work and stay the course. That’s the only way to get it done.

Setting goals involves a method of planning ideal aspirations in order to achieve a desired outcome. It goes beyond just thinking and hoping for the realization of those desired outcomes but rather implies a continuous journey of taking definite action and working persistently to complete and achieve those goals.

Setting and accomplishing life goals is one way to identify those things that are really important to you and those that aren’t. This way, you learn to see your priorities and make wise decisions to ensure better end results.

In this article, I’m going to share some of the methods that I adopt in my personal life to help me achieve my set goal. I hope you’ll find them useful and applicable for your situation.

  1. Align your goals with your values.

    The first step to implementing your goals is to determine what your core values are and identify meaningful goals that are in alignment with those core values. As you come up with goals you’d like to achieve, it is important to keep your values insight if you ever want to stand the chance of seeing those goals through till the very end. Your goals always have to align with your values if you must go very far with them. Imagine if one of your core values is family and then you set a goal for yourself that will take you further away from your family (e.g. maybe a highly ambitious workplace goal). You may soon come to find that achieving the set goal may jeopardize your chances of maintaining that value for the family that you have.

  1. Visualize your goal.
    The second step in any goal setting is to visualize what it is you’re trying to achieve. Before you can plan or implement the necessary action, you need to know where you are heading and it’s also important that you conceptualize these goals in a very positive form. Once you have a clear vision of the destination point, it would become a lot easier to map out the route (which will be the action points) that will help you arrive at your destination.
  1. Set SMART goals.
    Now that you have aligned your core values with your goals and you have a very good visual representation of what goals you want to achieve, the next step would be to set achievable goals. SMART is an acronym for five keywords you need to take into consideration when setting goals. These are S-SPECIFIC, M-MEASURABLE, A-ATTAINABLE, R-RELEVANT, and T- TIMEBOUND. You can find out more about SMART goals and what they are all about from my newly released ebook “How to Start from Zero”
  1. Write them down.
    Writing your goals down on a piece of paper can make all the difference in helping you accomplish them. Write them down boldly and display them somewhere you get to see them often. This shows some form of commitment by you in achieving your goals. Taking this step shows that you take those goals very seriously, and this will go a long way in helping you see it through till the end.
  1. Take quick action.
    This step is also very important. In accomplishing set goals, you must take at least 3 action steps toward your goals within the first 3 days of setting those goals. No matter how small the action steps are, just do something to indicate that you have started the process. Overcoming the initial inertia for action could be the barrier for most people especially if you’re someone who is used to procrastinating things. Take action now.
  1. Give your goals motivational power.
    Make your goals compelling. Constantly think about what you’re trying to achieve and what it would look and feel like to have them. This thought can be highly motivating. Afterward, find a way to remind yourself of this thought. Create small cards with a list of the most compelling of those ideas and carry them with you so you can review them as often as possible. You may also want to create a vision board that represents what you want to achieve in the form of images and statements.
  1. Never give up.
    Lastly but not least step that is most crucial to helping you achieve your goal is to keep at it and never give up. If you don’t see it through till the end, then you probably have wasted all the effort that you’ve put in all along. That’s not a good place to be. Decide, therefore, even before you start that you will do whatever it takes to achieve your goals. If for any reason you fail to achieve them, then take it as feedback. This could simply mean that you probably have not used the right strategies or you were not committed enough to it. Don’t beat yourself up. Review, re-strategize, and revisit those goals with greater determination and momentum, and the next time might just be the last attempt for good.

Of course, there are other tips for successful goal setting and implementation like; saying it out loud to yourself often or waking up to it every morning, etc. However, I believe that if you adopt these few ones mentioned by you, they’ll work for you just like they’ve worked for me.

Achieving success and reaching your goals is about getting things done.

If you are not willing to take the necessary steps, you may find that you’re constantly struggling with achieving your set goals.

Remember, you’re fully responsible for your success. Own the process and enjoy it, it’s worth the try!

With Love and gratitude as always, Xo! 

If you’d like to get more ideas and useful tips on how to implement your goals, then you should get a copy of my recently released eBook. “How to Start from Zero” and discover so many other ideas you can adapt depending on your lifestyle and taste.

There are a lot of other secrets and ideas amongst other health tips I shared in the eBook and very practical, relatable, and realistic terms. “How to Start from Zero” will show you how to adopt healthy lifestyle habits and get rid of the bad ones faster and with greater ease than you’d expect.

Disclaimer: Please note that I am not your doctor while I am a health coach by profession. This article is for informational and educational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice nor does it establish any kind of medical relationship between you and me. I will not be held liable for any damage resulting from or related to your use of this information.