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A Day in the Life of a Health Coach

Ever wondered what a typical day in the life of a health coach looks like?

Just in case such a thought has ever crossed your mind; maybe you’re thinking of becoming one yourself or you just admire the profession and often wonder how a health coach manages to keep up with life and still stay very healthy. Well, let’s just say today is your lucky day cause I’m about to let you in on what a typical day looks like for me every hour of the day.

Hi! My name is Glennys Marquez and I’m a certified health and wellness coach.

Health coaching for me is a passion. It’s not just something I do to earn a living; it’s a way of life for me. Growing up I was surrounded with a family who paid attention to little details about the food we ate, our bodies and our lifestyle. Food and exercise was a way of bonding for us back then so it came very natural for me to transition into becoming a health coach.

Besides, as a health coach I also get to help a lot of people. Through my career, I’ve helped many people change their eating habits, achieve their health goals and make simple lifestyle changes as well as begin a fitness program for them notwithstanding their age or health limitations. 

Many times, I’ve seen people frustrated and confused by the flood of information out there about fitness and nutrition. It’s often difficult to know where to start and that’s where a health coach like me can become very useful. I’ll help you start with a concrete plan that was designed specifically for you and will guide you through the baby steps up until when you’re built up and confident enough to get your fitness life going with little or no external assistance.

In order not to make this about the benefits of hiring a health coach, let’s jump right into what my daily routine looks like so you can get to see how I get to do the things that I do.

7:30am: Say my prayers, reflect on things that I’m grateful for, brush my teeth, tongue scrape, then drink a lot of water to prepare myself for my morning meditation.

 7:45am: Spend quality time meditating on all things Glennys. Reflect on my accomplishments, my goals, relationships or anything else that may be preoccupying my mind at the moment. Then enjoy a drink of either Ginger Powder Water or Lemon Water

9am: Get my cardio workout going (on an empty stomach) while listening to a playlist from Spotify or audible. (**Share link)

10am: It’s Breakfast time! Definitely a smoothie (With almond/coconut milk, 2 scoops of peanut butter, plant-based protein powder, 1 tablespoon of almond butter, handful of spinach, superfood green powder, and superfood coconut powder

Make sure not to add any fruit in the smoothie. Rather you should eat the fruit afterwards, maybe an avocado, bananas, pineapples or whatever fruit may be available during that time of the year. Ensure to keep the smoothie sugar free because it helps regulate your insulin levels to help balance your hormone levels.

Then I’ll have a meal of poached egg with oatmeal, or banana bread with tea (not coffee!).

Also, I don’t forget to take my vitamins.

Morning: TJ’s chewable B12, multi-vitamin, vitamin E, D, Primrose Oil, Zinc (immune system) Evening: magnesium (**Disclaimer: these are prescribed specifically for me)

After which I’ll do my makeup routine: Rinse face, moisturizer, jade facial roller, collagen face oil, mascare, neutral eyeshadow and lip gloss)

11-11:30am: Check my emails and work schedule for the day (via my Project Manager: Asana)

11:30am -1pm: Client sessions (Tuesdays/ Wednesdays and Fridays)

1:00pm: Lunch time (Homemade banana bread, spinach salad with almonds, tomatoes, cucumber with lemon/olive oil, Himalayan salt, sesame seeds,3-4 poach eggs)

2-5pm: Client sessions (Tuesdays/ Wednesdays and Fridays) or focus on social media tasks

5pm: Study for my fitness certification

6pm: Family / Dinner Time (Vegetarian option/always meatless day every week) Salmon, big salad, air fried/oven/instapot sweet potato, and condiments (like avocado, coconut and olive oils)

Meal options are sometimes determined by our immediate fitness goal i.e. what part of the body we’re currently working one. (For example: if it’s the arms, we’ll have air fried leaner protein bases like fish, turkey breast, and chicken). 

7pm: Talk time with Family. Talk about what’s happening in our lives or what happened during the day, reflect on our goals, and how we’re keeping up.

9pm: weightlift various parts of the body (Quads & Abs). Please note that it’s usually recommended to work out in the morning, however I figured during the lockdown that this works better for my schedule.

10pm: Spiritual Studies / Practice (keep neutral) / Read books, and Journal (Usually I set a goal for myself to read at least one book per month) 

11:00pm: Bedtime Routine (tea with hubby, brush teeth, cleanser, spray toner, deep moisturizing and eye cream)

11:15pm: Think about the day’s highlights and things I’ve done that day to grow / Meditate and plan for the next day. (**Get rid of all devices before this time)

11:30pm: Sleep

There you go, that’s my day in a nutshell!  Nothing out of the ordinary right? But I must say that I’m loving every minute of it. This routine has helped me to live more, love more and be the best version of myself that I can be.

If you’d like to find out a little more about me, you can click on the link here and it’ll take straight to my bio page on my website.

I’m looking forward to hearing from you soon

With Much Love and Respect as always! Xo!

Are you struggling to keep up with your dietary goals? Do you hate the compulsive and emotional eating you often find yourself doing and are you desperately trying to come off any unhealthy lifestyle habits that may be stopping you from living your best life?

Maybe you’re already showing signs of heart disease like high blood pressure or high cholesterol, and want to stop the progression now before it’s too late?

Or it could be that it’s none of that but you’re just looking to have a stronger, healthier mind and body?

Getting a good health coach like myself is definitely a great idea to arrive at your destination of a healthier and happier you. If you are serious about feeling your best, Glennys Marquez will take you by the hand and guide you step-by-step to help you create the best possible health and lifestyle program that is designed just for you.

You can book a session with me today so we can talk about your health goals and how I can design a program to meet your health needs or we can as well see if you’re a good fit for my 30-day Love Your Body Program (LYB) where you’ll get to learn more about various exercise/lifestyle habits you can adopt to help bring about amazing transformation in your mind and body.

 The 30-day Love Your Body Program (LYB) promises to be an exciting and health fulfilling experience and includes activities like:

  • 4 Weeks of 1-on-1 Health Coaching
  • Simple, Informative Handouts
  • Personalized Email Support
  • My Commitment to Your Health and Success  

At the end of the 4-week program, I’ll make sure you experience desirable, holistic, and permanent changes to your workout life, your body, your mind, and your lifestyle in general. 

You can book a free 15-minute discovery call today and discover what’s waiting for you on the other side of the program. 

Get to learn more about the program right here and have a feel of what to expect from participating in the program. We’ll be waiting to answer all your burning questions in this free 15-minute call.You can as well just register for the Love Your Body Program right now and be scheduled to join in on the next semester once we resume.  The LYB program promises to be an exciting fitness and wellness journey for you

Disclaimer: Please note that I am not your doctor while I am a health coach by profession. This article is for informational and educational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice nor does it establish any kind of medical relationship between you and me. I will not be held liable for any damage resulting from or related to your use of this information.