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Fitness Tips for Women in their 30s, 40s, and 50s

Many women who fall within the age bracket of between 30 & 50 often complain about changes happening with their bodies they don’t understand and can’t explain. The number one complaint you’ll normally find is the complaint of weight gain experienced even though nothing much in their diet or exercise routine has changed over the years, yet they seem to be gaining extra pounds of weight, especially around the midsection of their body.

There are two main reasons why women within these age brackets experience these changes in their bodies; they are hormonal imbalances and declining muscle mass. The hormonal imbalances are mostly caused by approaching menopause, whereas the loss of muscle mass is the unfortunate consequence of aging. Both these physical changes lead to a slower metabolism. In other words, your body burns fewer calories than it did before. Naturally, this makes exercising and weight loss a lot more difficult. However, difficult doesn’t imply impossible so you can experience a lot of positive change if you are prepared to take the right steps.

Firstly, women in this age bracket need to stop thinking in terms of a short-term diet or exercise plan. Any short term approach cannot help you achieve any meaningful positive change. Instead, you need to make long-term and sustainable lifestyle changes that will speed up your metabolism.

As we grow older, our metabolism slows down and once this begins to happen, what we used to get away with in terms of diet and lack of exercise suddenly begins to catch up with us. While this may not come as a surprise to most women, their usual response to this problem is what I find surprising. 

Most women in this dilemma begin to skip meals and avoid eating when they are hungry in their bid to reverse the weight gain caused by the lowered metabolism. This is counterproductive because when you starve yourself, your body’s metabolism slows even more and shifts into survival mode. It stores everything it gets because it’s not sure when it will get another bite of energy. However, when you feed it frequently throughout the day, it does just the opposite. It burns everything because it’s being supplied with energy frequently.

Going by this explanation, experts in medicine and science have recommended adopting an active lifestyle as the best way to keep healthy and reverse these trends even while you age further. Women in this age bracket should first seek their doctor’s advice before engaging in any type of exercise to avoid any serious health risks. Your doctor is the authority in recommending the right physical exercise for you.

Here are five fitness tips you can adopt to help improve your metabolism.

  1. Start nice and easy.

If you haven’t been active for a long time and want to begin working out more frequently, it’s very important to begin small and then build up slowly. For example, start with simple aerobics exercises before working your way up to more intense exercises like hiking or running as your muscles begin to strengthen.

  1. Make your warm-up dynamic.

Make sure to use your workout programs to enhance your activities during the day hence the need to put more care into your warm-ups by making them dynamic with routines like jumping jacks, squats, inchworms etc. Taking the time to make sure our bodies can push through physical endurance will help to reduce injury and improve performance. 

  1. Keep up the cardio.

Women within this age bracket are more likely to have insulin resistance because of the metabolic changes that occur in adrenal and thyroid hormones. Participating in cardio exercises like road or mountain biking, indoor cycling, or jogging. This type of exercise helps to keep your heart rate raised for prolonged periods.

  1. Include More Strength Exercise

Strength training Weight lifting, Pilates, push-ups, sit-ups and squats a couple of days a week can help to maintain our weight and lower the risk of chronic diseases. Strength exercises also help to reduce stress levels, prevent bone loss, and improve cognition.

  1. Include low-impact workouts.

Women in this age bracket usually experience a decrease in muscle mass due to the declining production of testosterone and human growth hormones (HGH). In order to counter the impact of these changes, alternating your exercise routines for a day or two in between to include low-impact workouts like yoga, hiking, and walking tends to have a calming effect on the hormones while at the same time supporting muscle strengthening and toning.

As we age, there’s more reason to kick-start a fitness program, from maintaining the heart, bone density, muscle strength, and self-esteem. Ensure to start small and then build up on your results over time. Walk more, walk faster, lift slightly heavier weights etc. This way you will see results quicker and gain a great sense of achievement.

With these positive lifestyle adjustments, weight loss and healthy living for women between 30 & 50 is a very real and achievable goal. Learn to listen to your body and let it tell you when it’s time to reduce the intensity or stop. Drink water often as this will not only prevent dehydration but also flush toxins from your body.

Stress is your enemy, and exercise is a great stress buster.

Exercise has proven to be an excellent way to take a bad mood and make it better.

With Much Love and Respect as always! Xo!

Discover more tips and exercise/lifestyle habits you can adopt as a woman between the age of 30 & 50 that can help bring about an amazing transformation in your physical health and body. Register today and become a part of our 30-day Love Your Body Program (LYB)Which promises to be an exciting and health fulfilling experience

The 30-day LYB program includes:

  • 4 Weeks of 1-on-1 Health Coaching
  • Simple, Informative Handouts
  • Personalized Email Support
  • My Commitment to Your Health and Success 

At the end of the 4-week program, I’ll make sure you experience desirable, holistic, and permanent changes to your workout life, your body, mindset, and your lifestyle in general.

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The Love Your Body Program promises to be an exciting fitness and wellness journey for everyone

Disclaimer: Please note that I am not your doctor while I am a health coach by profession. This article is for informational and educational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice nor does it establish any kind of medical relationship between you and me. I will not be held liable for any damage resulting from or related to your use of this information.