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What if you simply devoted this year to loving yourself more?

Your Guide to Living Your Best Life in 2022

Achieve your goals by hacking 4 aspects of your daily life. It’s as easy as 1-2-3! Make yourself your priority in 2022.

What this book hopes to achieve is to provide a solid foundation to help you get started in healing your unhealthy lifestyle habits.

Believe me, sisters, it took me a lifetime to break through my perceived limitations and unbalanced mindset.

If this book helps even one person to redefine what it means to live a life of true well-being, create healthier eating habits and achieve a more positive body image – then all of my life lessons and experiences that I layout within this book will have been well worth it! 

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Toni Ferrer

“As easy as 1, 2, 3, that will take you from 0 to empowerment. When you feel at home in your body you become limitless, radiant, and high on life.”

Tania Vasquez-Jordan

“I am so pleased with [this pre-edition of] your e-book.  It explained step by step how to start by zero. As an IIN grad student, it allowed me to refresh my mind about how important is to self-care and continue to live a healthy lifestyle.  Keeping a journal is such a great idea.  I highly recommend your e-book. 

Liz Long

“Glenny, I loved this! I felt so close to you reading it. Very nice job. The content is great.”